Gene name: SOCS1
Protein name: Suppressor of cytokine signaling 1

List of terms from Generic GO subset, which this protein is a part of:
- anatomical structure development GO:0048856
- cell adhesion GO:0007155
- cell differentiation GO:0030154
- cell-cell signaling GO:0007267
- cellular protein modification process GO:0006464
- growth GO:0040007
- immune system process GO:0002376
- protein transport GO:0015031
- response to stress GO:0006950
- signal transduction GO:0007165
- transport GO:0006810

Table: Top 10 the most similar proteins, based on disordered regions enriched in particular amino acids. Cosine similarity calculation is described here. The whole list can be downloaded at the Download page
# UniProt Accession Gene Name Cosine Similarity Generic GO terms
1 Q7RTM1 OTOP1 0.83989 anatomical structure development GO:0048856
embryo development GO:0009790
immune system process GO:0002376
2 Q9BVG8 KIFC3 0.78046 cell adhesion GO:0007155
cell junction organization GO:0034330
nervous system process GO:0050877
3 Q96C12 ARMC5 0.76967
4 Q8IY33 MICALL2 0.74469 anatomical structure development GO:0048856
cell adhesion GO:0007155
cell differentiation GO:0030154
5 H3BQW9 FAM229A 0.74096
6 Q6ZMN8 CCNI2 0.73794 cell cycle GO:0007049
cellular protein modification process GO:0006464
mitotic cell cycle GO:0000278
7 Q9BYE2 TMPRSS13 0.73533
8 P57086 SCAND1 0.73179
9 Q9BXK1 KLF16 0.73015 biosynthetic process GO:0009058
cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process GO:0034641
signal transduction GO:0007165
10 Q96HA7 TONSL 0.71145 biosynthetic process GO:0009058
cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process GO:0034641
DNA metabolic process GO:0006259

                                           20                  40                  60                  80                 100
RICH_[PR]:                                 PRRRPePsssssssPaaPaRPR                                                            
RICH_[PS]:                            StaaePrrrPePSSSSSSSPaaParPrPcPavP                                                      
RICH_[AN]:                 AhNqvAAdNA                                                                                        
RICH_[AP]:                              AAePrrrPePsssssssPAAPArPrPcPAvPAPA                                                   
RICH_[AS]:                              AAeprrrpepSSSSSSSpAApA                                                               
RICH_[AV]:                VAhnqVAAdnAVstA                                                                                    
RICH_[A]:                  AhnqvAAdnAvstAA                AApArprpcpAvpApA                                                   
RICH_[RS]:                                  RRRpepSSSSSSSpaapaRpR                                                            
RICH_[P]:                                      PePsssssssPaaParPrPcPavPaPaP                                                  
RICH_[R]:                                   RRRpepssssssspaapaRpR                                                            
RICH_[S]:                             StaaeprrrpepSSSSSSS                                                                    
RICH_fLPS_[P]:                                         ssPaaParPrPcPavPaPaP                                                  
RICH_fLPS_[A]:                  AAdnAvstAA                AApArprpcpAvpApA                                                   
RICH_fLPS_[S]:                            eprrrpepSSSSSSS                                                                    
RICH_MOBI_[PS]:                                PePSSSSSSSPaaParPrPcP                                                         
RICH_MOBI_[AN]:            AhNqvAAdNA                                                                                        
RICH_MOBI_[AP]:                                  PsssssssPAAPArPrPcPAvPAPA                                                   
RICH_MOBI_[AS]:                         AAeprrrpepSSSSSSSpAApA                                                               
RICH_MOBI_[AV]:           VAhnqVAAdnAVstA                                                                                    
RICH_MOBI_[A]:             AhnqvAAdnAvstAA                AApArprpcpAvpApA                                                   
RICH_MOBI_[RS]:                             RRRpepSSSSSSSpaapaRpR                                                            
RICH_MOBI_[P]:                                 PePsssssssPaaParPrPcPavPaPaP                                                  
RICH_MOBI_[R]:                              RRRpepssssssspaapaRpR                                                            
RICH_MOBI_[S]:                        StaaeprrrpepSSSSSSS                                                                    
RICH_MOBI_[NV]:           VahNqVaadN                                                                                         
RICH_fLPS_MOBI_[A]:             AAdnAvstAA                AApArprpcpAvpApA                                                   
RICH_fLPS_MOBI_[S]:                            pepSSSSSSS                                                                    

                                          120                 140                 160                 180                 200
DO_DISOPRED3:            ....................................................................................................
DO_IUPRED2A:             ....................................................................................................
DO_SPOTD:                ....................................................................................................
CONSENSUS:               ....................................................................................................
CONSENSUS_MOBI:          ....................................................................................................

AA:                      RDYLSSFPFQI
DO_DISOPRED3:            ...........
DO_IUPRED2A:             ...........
DO_SPOTD:                ...........
CONSENSUS:               ...........
CONSENSUS_MOBI:          ...........