P13498 CY24A_HUMAN

Gene name: CYBA
Protein name: Cytochrome b-245 light chain

List of terms from Generic GO subset, which this protein is a part of:
- biosynthetic process GO:0009058
- cell population proliferation GO:0008283
- cellular component assembly GO:0022607
- circulatory system process GO:0003013
- growth GO:0040007
- homeostatic process GO:0042592
- immune system process GO:0002376
- protein-containing complex assembly GO:0065003
- response to stress GO:0006950
- signal transduction GO:0007165
- transmembrane transport GO:0055085
- transport GO:0006810
- vesicle-mediated transport GO:0016192

Table: Top 10 the most similar proteins, based on disordered regions enriched in particular amino acids. Cosine similarity calculation is described here. The whole list can be downloaded at the Download page
# UniProt Accession Gene Name Cosine Similarity Generic GO terms
1 P37088 SCNN1A 0.64948 homeostatic process GO:0042592
nervous system process GO:0050877
transmembrane transport GO:0055085
2 A0A1B0GWB2 PRRT1B 0.63053
3 Q9P2E8 MARCHF4 0.61119
4 O00499 BIN1 0.60723 anatomical structure development GO:0048856
biological process involved in symbiotic interaction GO:0044403
cell cycle GO:0007049
5 P24043 LAMA2 0.59698 anatomical structure development GO:0048856
cell adhesion GO:0007155
cell differentiation GO:0030154
6 P51606 RENBP 0.59059 biosynthetic process GO:0009058
catabolic process GO:0009056
cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process GO:0034641
7 Q5VY09 IER5 0.58357 biosynthetic process GO:0009058
cell population proliferation GO:0008283
cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process GO:0034641
8 Q6IPT2 FAM71E1 0.58043
9 Q86XJ0 CALHM3 0.57984 cellular component assembly GO:0022607
nervous system process GO:0050877
protein-containing complex assembly GO:0065003
10 Q96RK0 CIC 0.57496 anatomical structure development GO:0048856
biosynthetic process GO:0009058
cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process GO:0034641

                                           20                  40                  60                  80                 100
STMI:                                                                                                              IIIIIIIIII
DO_DISOPRED3:            D...................................................................................................
DO_IUPRED2A:             ....................................................................................................
DO_SPOTD:                .........................................................DDDDDDDD...................................
CONSENSUS:               ..........................................................................................          
CONSENSUS_MOBI:          ..........................................................................................          

                                          120                 140                 160                 180     
STMI:                    IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII                                                                    
DO_DISOPRED3:            ...........................................DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD......D........
CONSENSUS_MOBI:                                     ......DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD....................DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
RICH_[AE]:                                                                           AEArkkpsEEEAAvAA                   
RICH_[AG]:                                                                             ArkkpseeeAAvAAGGppGG             
RICH_[AP]:                                                                     PPPrPPAeArkkPseeeAAvAA                   
RICH_[A]:                                                                            AeArkkpseeeAAvAA                   
RICH_[E]:                                                                             EarkkpsEEE                        
RICH_[P]:                                                   PkPrerPqiggtikqPPsnPPPrPPaearkkP                            
RICH_[EP]:                                                                  PsnPPPrPPaEarkkPsEEE                        
RICH_[GP]:                                                                                 PseeeaavaaGGPPGGPqvnPiP      
RICH_[IP]:                                                        PqIggtIkqPPsnPPP                                      
RICH_fLPS_[P]:                                                PrerPqiggtikqPPsnPPPrPPaearkkP                            
RICH_MOBI_[AG]:                                                                                 AAvAAGGppGG             
RICH_MOBI_[I]:                                            IepkprerpqIggtI                                               
RICH_MOBI_[V]:                                                                                               VnpipVtdeVV
RICH_MOBI_[GP]:                                                                                       GPPGGPqvnP        
RICH_MOBI_[GV]:                                                                                      GGppGGpqVnpipVtdeVV