Gene name: TSACC
Protein name: TSSK6-activating co-chaperone protein

List of terms from Generic GO subset, which this protein is a part of:

Table: Top 10 the most similar proteins, based on disordered regions enriched in particular amino acids. Cosine similarity calculation is described here. The whole list can be downloaded at the Download page
# UniProt Accession Gene Name Cosine Similarity Generic GO terms
1 Q9NUU7 DDX19A 0.60407 nucleocytoplasmic transport GO:0006913
protein transport GO:0015031
transport GO:0006810
2 P09601 HMOX1 0.54635 anatomical structure development GO:0048856
anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis GO:0048646
biosynthetic process GO:0009058
3 Q13946 PDE7A 0.53609 biosynthetic process GO:0009058
catabolic process GO:0009056
cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process GO:0034641
4 Q08209 PPP3CA 0.52207 anatomical structure development GO:0048856
biosynthetic process GO:0009058
cell adhesion GO:0007155
5 Q9NSP4 CENPM 0.51966
6 P14778 IL1R1 0.51966 immune system process GO:0002376
response to stress GO:0006950
signal transduction GO:0007165
7 Q68D86 CCDC102B 0.50926
8 Q9H2E6 SEMA6A 0.49554 anatomical structure development GO:0048856
anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis GO:0048646
cell adhesion GO:0007155
9 P20916 MAG 0.48964 anatomical structure development GO:0048856
cell adhesion GO:0007155
cell death GO:0008219
10 Q2TAY7 SMU1 0.4896

                                           20                  40                  60                  80                 100
DO_DISOPRED3:            DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD...................................................................................
DO_IUPRED2A:             DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.........D...D.......D.DDDDDD..................................D...DDDDDDDDDDD
CONSENSUS:               DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.........DDDDD.......DDDDDDDD..................................DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
CONSENSUS_MOBI:          DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.........................................................................DDDD
RICH_MOBI_[AV]:                     VpAkeeAnAV                                                                               
RICH_MOBI_[L]:                                                                                                           Lapg

DO_DISOPRED3:            .....DD................DD
DO_IUPRED2A:             DDDDDDDDDDDDDD.......DD..
RICH_[NS]:                 SNNSSlpalS             
RICH_MOBI_[L]:           rgsnnssLpaLspnpLLnhL     
RICH_MOBI_[N]:              NNsslpalspNpllN       
RICH_MOBI_[LN]:             NNssLpaLspNpLLNhL     
RICH_MOBI_[NS]:            SNNSSlpalS             
RICH_fLPS_MOBI_[L]:           ssLpaLspnpLLnhL     
RICH_fLPS_MOBI_[N]:         NNsslpalspNpllN       
RICH_fLPS_MOBI_[NL]:        NNssLpaLspNpLLNhL