Gene name: CLEC5A
Protein name: C-type lectin domain family 5 member A

List of terms from Generic GO subset, which this protein is a part of:
- anatomical structure development GO:0048856
- cell death GO:0008219
- cell differentiation GO:0030154
- cell-cell signaling GO:0007267
- immune system process GO:0002376
- protein transport GO:0015031
- response to stress GO:0006950
- signal transduction GO:0007165
- transport GO:0006810
- vesicle-mediated transport GO:0016192

Table: Top 10 the most similar proteins, based on disordered regions enriched in particular amino acids. Cosine similarity calculation is described here. The whole list can be downloaded at the Download page
# UniProt Accession Gene Name Cosine Similarity Generic GO terms
1 Q96IQ7 VSIG2 0.91791
2 P06028 GYPB 0.79083 immune system process GO:0002376
3 Q86VL8 SLC47A2 0.75472 transmembrane transport GO:0055085
transport GO:0006810
4 Q9NP60 IL1RAPL2 0.72542 anatomical structure development GO:0048856
cell junction organization GO:0034330
cellular component assembly GO:0022607
5 O95292 VAPB 0.70212 biological process involved in symbiotic interaction GO:0044403
biosynthetic process GO:0009058
homeostatic process GO:0042592
6 Q8IZV2 CMTM8 0.69537 anatomical structure development GO:0048856
7 Q9UPC5 GPR34 0.67914 signal transduction GO:0007165
8 Q9H8K7 PAAT 0.67146
9 Q5T7R7 C1orf185 0.66949
10 P03999 OPN1SW 0.66139 cellular protein modification process GO:0006464
nervous system process GO:0050877
signal transduction GO:0007165

                                           20                  40                  60                  80                 100
STMI:                        MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM                                                                         
DO_DISOPRED3:            ..........DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD........................................
DO_IUPRED2A:             ....................................................................................................
CONSENSUS:               ....                       DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD........................................
CONSENSUS_MOBI:          ....                       .........................................................................
RICH_[S]:                                                          SygtvSqifgSSSpS                                           
RICH_[ST]:                                                     TTTrSygTvSqifgSSSpS                                           
RICH_[NT]:                                              NksNdgfTTT                                                           

                                          120                 140                 160                 180            
DO_DISOPRED3:            .......................................................................................D
DO_IUPRED2A:             ........................................................................................
DO_SPOTD:                ......................................................................................DD
CONSENSUS:               .......................................................................................D
CONSENSUS_MOBI:          ........................................................................................