DB12008 Prexasertib

Small molecule PDB accession : n/a
Drug action: inhibitor

List of PDB structures and/or AlphaFold models with target protein O14757
PDB/AF Accession PyMOL script Experimental / Predicted Interacting ECOD domains ECOD X-group name LigPlot
O14757 Download Predicted O14757_nD2
Protein kinase/SAICAR synthase/ATP-grasp
1IA8 Predicted e1ia8A1
1NVQ Predicted e1nvqA1
1NVR Predicted e1nvrA1
1NVS Predicted e1nvsA1
1ZLT Predicted e1zltA1
1ZYS Predicted e1zysA1
2AYP Predicted e2aypA1
2BR1 Predicted e2br1A1
2BRB Predicted e2brbA1
2BRG Predicted e2brgA1
2BRH Predicted e2brhA1
2BRM Predicted e2brmA1
2BRN Predicted e2brnA1
2BRO Predicted e2broA1
2C3J Predicted e2c3jA1
2C3K Predicted e2c3kA1
2C3L Predicted e2c3lA1
2CGU Predicted e2cguA1
2CGV Predicted e2cgvA1
2CGW Predicted e2cgwA1
2CGX Predicted e2cgxA1
2E9N Predicted e2e9nA1
2E9O Predicted e2e9oA1
2E9P Predicted e2e9pA1
2E9U Predicted e2e9uA1
2E9V Predicted e2e9vB1
2GDO Predicted e2gdoA1
2GHG Predicted e2ghgA1
2HOG Predicted e2hogA1
2HXL Predicted e2hxlA1
2HXQ Predicted e2hxqA1
2HY0 Predicted e2hy0A1
2QHM Predicted e2qhmA1
2QHN Predicted e2qhnA1
2R0U Predicted e2r0uA1
2WMQ Predicted e2wmqA1
2WMR Predicted e2wmrA1
2WMS Predicted e2wmsA1
2WMT Predicted e2wmtA2
2WMU Predicted e2wmuA2
2WMV Predicted e2wmvA1
2WMW Predicted e2wmwA1
2WMX Predicted e2wmxA1
2X8D Predicted e2x8dA1
2X8E Predicted e2x8eA1
2X8I Predicted e2x8iA1
2XEY Predicted e2xeyA1
2XEZ Predicted e2xezA1
2XF0 Predicted e2xf0A1
2YDI Predicted e2ydiA1
2YDJ Predicted e2ydjA1
2YDK Predicted e2ydkA1
2YER Predicted e2yerA1
2YEX Predicted e2yexA1
2YM3 Predicted e2ym3A2
2YM4 Predicted e2ym4A2
2YM5 Predicted e2ym5A2
2YM6 Predicted e2ym6A2
2YM7 Predicted e2ym7A2
2YM8 Predicted e2ym8A2
2YWP Predicted e2ywpA1
3F9N Predicted e3f9nA1
3JVR Predicted e3jvrA1
3JVS Predicted e3jvsA1
3NLB Predicted e3nlbA1
3OT3 Predicted e3ot3A1
3OT8 Predicted e3ot8A1
3PA3 Predicted e3pa3A1
3PA4 Predicted e3pa4A1
3PA5 Predicted e3pa5A1
3TKH Predicted e3tkhA2
3TKI Predicted e3tkiA1
3U9N Predicted e3u9nA2
4FSM Predicted e4fsmA1
4FSN Predicted e4fsnA1
4FSQ Predicted e4fsqA2
4FSR Predicted e4fsrA1
4FST Predicted e4fstA2
4FSU Predicted e4fsuA1
4FSW Predicted e4fswA2
4FSY Predicted e4fsyA1
4FSZ Predicted e4fszA1
4FT0 Predicted e4ft0A1
4FT3 Predicted e4ft3A1
4FT5 Predicted e4ft5A1
4FT7 Predicted e4ft7A1
4FT9 Predicted e4ft9A1
4FTA Predicted e4ftaA2
4FTC Predicted e4ftcA1
4FTI Predicted e4ftiA1
4FTJ Predicted e4ftjA1
4FTK Predicted e4ftkA2
4FTL Predicted e4ftlA2
4FTM Predicted e4ftmA2
4FTN Predicted e4ftnA2
4FTO Predicted e4ftoA2
4FTQ Predicted e4ftqA2
4FTR Predicted e4ftrA2
4FTT Predicted e4fttA2
4FTU Predicted e4ftuA1
4GH2 Predicted e4gh2A1
4HYH Predicted e4hyhA2
4HYI Predicted e4hyiA1
4JIK Predicted e4jikA1
4QYE Predicted e4qyeA1
4QYF Predicted e4qyfA1
4QYG Predicted e4qygA1
4QYH Predicted e4qyhA1
4RVK Predicted e4rvkA1
4RVL Predicted e4rvlA1
4RVM Predicted e4rvmA1
5DLS Predicted e5dlsA1
5F4N Predicted e5f4nA1
5OOP Predicted e5oopA1
5OOR Predicted e5oorA1
5OOT Predicted e5ootA1
5OP2 Predicted e5op2A1
5OP4 Predicted e5op4A1
5OP5 Predicted e5op5A1
5OP7 Predicted e5op7A1
5OPB Predicted e5opbA1
5OPR Predicted e5oprA1
5OPS Predicted e5opsA1
5OPU Predicted e5opuA1
5OPV Predicted e5opvA1
5OQ5 Predicted e5oq5A1
5OQ6 Predicted e5oq6A1
5OQ7 Predicted e5oq7A1
5OQ8 Predicted e5oq8A1
5WI2 Predicted e5wi2B1
6FC8 Predicted e6fc8A1
6FCF Predicted e6fcfA1
6FCK Predicted e6fckA1