DB03727 Coproporphyrin I

SMILES: CC1=C(CCC(O)=O)/C2=C/C3=N/C(=C\C4=C(C)C(CCC(O)=O)=C(N4)/C=C4\N=C(\C=C\1/N\2)C(CCC(O)=O)=C4C)/C(CCC(O)=O)=C3C
Small molecule PDB accession : n/a
Drug action: n/a

List of PDB structures and/or AlphaFold models with target protein P06132
PDB/AF Accession PyMOL script Experimental / Predicted Interacting ECOD domains ECOD X-group name LigPlot
P06132 Download Predicted P06132_nD1
TIM beta/alpha-barrel
1JPH Predicted e1jphA1
1JPI Predicted e1jpiA1
1JPK Predicted e1jpkA1
1R3Q Predicted e1r3qA1
1R3R Predicted e1r3rA1
1R3S Predicted e1r3sA1
1R3T Predicted e1r3tA1
1R3V Predicted e1r3vA1
1R3W Predicted e1r3wA1
1R3Y Predicted e1r3yA1
1URO Predicted e1uroA1
2Q6Z Predicted e2q6zA1
2Q71 Predicted e2q71A1
3GVQ Predicted e3gvqA1
3GVR Predicted e3gvrA1
3GVV Predicted e3gvvA1
3GVW Predicted e3gvwA1
3GW0 Predicted e3gw0A1
3GW3 Predicted e3gw3A1