SMILES: CO[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O[C@@H]2O[C@H](CO)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]2O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O
Small molecule PDB accession : no_lig_id
Drug action: n/a

List of PDB structures and/or AlphaFold models with target protein P16442
PDB/AF Accession PyMOL script Experimental / Predicted Interacting ECOD domains ECOD X-group name LigPlot
P16442 Download Predicted P16442_nD1
Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases
1LZ0 Predicted e1lz0A1
1LZ7 Predicted e1lz7A1
1LZI Predicted e1lziA1
1LZJ Predicted e1lzjA1
1R7T Predicted e1r7tA1
1R7U Predicted e1r7uA1
1R7V Predicted e1r7vA1
1R7X Predicted e1r7xA1
1R7Y Predicted e1r7yA1
1R80 Predicted e1r80A1
1R81 Predicted e1r81A1
1R82 Predicted e1r82A1
1WSZ Predicted e1wszA1
1WT0 Predicted e1wt0A1
1WT1 Predicted e1wt1A1
1WT2 Predicted e1wt2A1
1WT3 Predicted e1wt3A1
1XZ6 Predicted e1xz6A1
1ZHJ Predicted e1zhjA1
1ZI1 Predicted e1zi1A1
1ZI3 Predicted e1zi3A1
1ZI4 Predicted e1zi4A1
1ZI5 Predicted e1zi5A1
1ZIZ Predicted e1zizA1
1ZJ0 Predicted e1zj0A1
1ZJ1 Predicted e1zj1A1
1ZJ2 Predicted e1zj2A1
1ZJ3 Predicted e1zj3A1
1ZJO Predicted e1zjoA1
1ZJP Predicted e1zjpA1
2A8U Predicted e2a8uA1
2A8W Predicted e2a8wA1
2I7B Predicted e2i7bA1
2O1F Predicted e2o1fA1
2O1G Predicted e2o1gA1
2O1H Predicted e2o1hA1
2PGV Predicted e2pgvA1
2RIT Predicted e2ritA1
2RIX Predicted e2rixA1
2RIY Predicted e2riyA1
2RIZ Predicted e2rizA1
2RJ0 Predicted e2rj0A1
2RJ1 Predicted e2rj1A1
2RJ4 Predicted e2rj4A1
2RJ5 Predicted e2rj5A1
2RJ6 Predicted e2rj6A1
2RJ7 Predicted e2rj7A1
2RJ8 Predicted e2rj8A1
2RJ9 Predicted e2rj9A1
2Y7A Predicted e2y7aA1
3I0C Predicted e3i0cA1
3I0D Predicted e3i0dA1
3I0E Predicted e3i0eA1
3I0F Predicted e3i0fA1
3I0G Predicted e3i0gA1
3I0H Predicted e3i0hA1
3I0I Predicted e3i0iX1
3I0J Predicted e3i0jA1
3I0K Predicted e3i0kA1
3I0L Predicted e3i0lA1
3IOH Predicted e3iohA1
3IOI Predicted e3ioiA1
3IOJ Predicted e3iojA1
3SX3 Predicted e3sx3A1
3SX5 Predicted e3sx5A1
3SX7 Predicted e3sx7A1
3SX8 Predicted e3sx8A1
3SXA Predicted e3sxaA1
3SXB Predicted e3sxbA1
3SXC Predicted e3sxcA1
3SXD Predicted e3sxdA1
3SXE Predicted e3sxeA1
3SXG Predicted e3sxgA1
3U0X Predicted e3u0xA1
3U0Y Predicted e3u0yA1
3V0L Predicted e3v0lA1
3V0M Predicted e3v0mA1
3V0N Predicted e3v0nB1
3V0O Predicted e3v0oB1
3V0P Predicted e3v0pB1
3V0Q Predicted e3v0qA1
3ZGF Predicted e3zgfB1
3ZGG Predicted e3zggA1
4C2S Predicted e4c2sA1
4FQW Predicted e4fqwA1
4FRA Predicted e4fraA1
4FRB Predicted e4frbA1
4FRD Predicted e4frdA1
4FRE Predicted e4freA1
4FRH Predicted e4frhA1
4FRL Predicted e4frlA1
4FRM Predicted e4frmA1
4FRO Predicted e4froA1
4FRP Predicted e4frpA1
4FRQ Predicted e4frqA1
4GBP Predicted e4gbpA1
4KC1 Predicted e4kc1A1
4KC2 Predicted e4kc2A1
4KC4 Predicted e4kc4A1
4KXO Predicted e4kxoA1
4Y62 Predicted e4y62A1
4Y63 Predicted e4y63A1
4Y64 Predicted e4y64A1
5BXC Predicted e5bxcA1
5C1G Predicted e5c1gA1
5C1H Predicted e5c1hA1
5C1L Predicted e5c1lA1
5C36 Predicted e5c36A1
5C38 Predicted e5c38A1
5C3A Predicted e5c3aA1
5C3B Predicted e5c3bA1
5C3D Predicted e5c3dA1
5C47 Predicted e5c47A1
5C48 Predicted e5c48A1
5C49 Predicted e5c49A1
5C4B Predicted e5c4bA1
5C4C Predicted e5c4cA1
5C4D Predicted e5c4dA1
5C4E Predicted e5c4eA1
5C4F Predicted e5c4fA1
5C8R Predicted e5c8rA1
5CMF Predicted e5cmfX1
5CMG Predicted e5cmgX1
5CMH Predicted e5cmhA1
5CMI Predicted e5cmiA1
5CMJ Predicted e5cmjA1
5CQL Predicted e5cqlX1
5CQM Predicted e5cqmX1
5CQN Predicted e5cqnX1
5CQO Predicted e5cqoA1
5CQP Predicted e5cqpA1
5M79 Predicted e5m79A1
5M7A Predicted e5m7aA1
5M7B Predicted e5m7bA1
5M7C Predicted e5m7cA1
5M7D Predicted e5m7dA1
5TJK Predicted e5tjkA1
5TJL Predicted e5tjlA1
5TJN Predicted e5tjnA1
5TJO Predicted e5tjoA1
6BJI Predicted e6bjiA1
6BJJ Predicted e6bjjA1
6BJK Predicted e6bjkA1
6BJL Predicted e6bjlA1
6BJM Predicted e6bjmA1
6GWY Predicted e6gwyA1
6GWZ Predicted e6gwzA1
6GX0 Predicted e6gx0A1
6GX1 Predicted e6gx1A1
6GX2 Predicted e6gx2A1