Small molecule PDB accession : LIE
Drug action: n/a

List of PDB structures and/or AlphaFold models with target protein Q16539
PDB/AF Accession PyMOL script Experimental / Predicted Interacting ECOD domains ECOD X-group name LigPlot
Q16539 Download Predicted Q16539_nD1
Protein kinase/SAICAR synthase/ATP-grasp
1A9U Predicted e1a9uA1
1BL6 Predicted e1bl6A1
1BL7 Predicted e1bl7A1
1BMK Predicted e1bmkA1
1DI9 Predicted e1di9A1
1IAN Predicted e1ianA1
1KV1 Predicted e1kv1A1
1KV2 Predicted e1kv2A1
1M7Q Predicted e1m7qA1
1OUK Predicted e1oukA1
1OUY Predicted e1ouyA1
1OVE Predicted e1oveA1
1OZ1 Predicted e1oz1A1
1R39 Predicted e1r39A1
1R3C Predicted e1r3cA1
1W7H Predicted e1w7hA1
1W82 Predicted e1w82A1
1W83 Predicted e1w83A1
1W84 Predicted e1w84A1
1WBN Predicted e1wbnA1
1WBO Predicted e1wboA1
1WBS Predicted e1wbsA1
1WBT Predicted e1wbtA1
1WBV Predicted e1wbvA1
1WBW Predicted e1wbwA1
1WFC Predicted e1wfcA1
1YQJ Predicted e1yqjA1
1ZYJ Predicted e1zyjA1
1ZZ2 Predicted e1zz2A1
1ZZL Predicted e1zzlA1
2BAJ Predicted e2bajA1
2BAK Predicted e2bakA1
2BAL Predicted e2balA1
2BAQ Predicted e2baqA1
2FSL Predicted e2fslX1
2FSM Predicted e2fsmX1
2FSO Predicted e2fsoX1
2FST Predicted e2fstX1
2GFS Predicted e2gfsA1
2I0H Predicted e2i0hA1
2LGC Predicted e2lgcA1
2NPQ Predicted e2npqA1
2OKR Predicted e2okrA1
2ONL Predicted e2onlB1
2QD9 Predicted e2qd9A1
2RG5 Predicted e2rg5A1
2RG6 Predicted e2rg6A1
2Y8O Predicted e2y8oA2
2YIS Predicted e2yisA1
2YIW Predicted e2yiwA1
2YIX Predicted e2yixA1
2ZAZ Predicted e2zazA1
2ZB0 Predicted e2zb0A1
2ZB1 Predicted e2zb1A1
3BV2 Predicted e3bv2A1
3BV3 Predicted e3bv3A1
3BX5 Predicted e3bx5A1
3C5U Predicted e3c5uA1
3CTQ Predicted e3ctqA1
3D7Z Predicted e3d7zA1
3D83 Predicted e3d83A1
3DS6 Predicted e3ds6A1
3DT1 Predicted e3dt1A1
3E92 Predicted e3e92A1
3E93 Predicted e3e93A1
3FC1 Predicted e3fc1X1
3FI4 Predicted e3fi4A1
3FKL Predicted e3fklA1
3FKN Predicted e3fknA1
3FKO Predicted e3fkoA1
3FL4 Predicted e3fl4A1
3FLN Predicted e3flnC1
3FLQ Predicted e3flqA1
3FLS Predicted e3flsA1
3FLW Predicted e3flwA1
3FLY Predicted e3flyA1
3FLZ Predicted e3flzA1
3FMH Predicted e3fmhA1
3FMJ Predicted e3fmjA1
3FMK Predicted e3fmkA1
3FML Predicted e3fmlA1
3FMM Predicted e3fmmA1
3FMN Predicted e3fmnA1
3FSF Predicted e3fsfA1
3FSK Predicted e3fskA1
3GC7 Predicted e3gc7A1
3GCP Predicted e3gcpA1
3GCQ Predicted e3gcqA1
3GCS Predicted e3gcsA1
3GCU Predicted e3gcuA1
3GCV Predicted e3gcvA1
3GFE Predicted e3gfeA1
3GI3 Predicted e3gi3A1
3HA8 Predicted e3ha8A1
3HEC Predicted e3hecA1
3HEG Predicted e3hegA1
3HL7 Predicted e3hl7A1
3HLL Predicted e3hllA1
3HP2 Predicted e3hp2A1
3HP5 Predicted e3hp5A1
3HRB Predicted e3hrbA1
3HUB Predicted e3hubA1
3HUC Predicted e3hucA1
3HV3 Predicted e3hv3A1
3HV4 Predicted e3hv4A1
3HV5 Predicted e3hv5A1
3HV6 Predicted e3hv6A1
3HV7 Predicted e3hv7A1
3HVC Predicted e3hvcA1
3IPH Predicted e3iphA1
3ITZ Predicted e3itzA1
3IW5 Predicted e3iw5A1
3IW6 Predicted e3iw6A1
3IW7 Predicted e3iw7A1
3IW8 Predicted e3iw8A1
3K3I Predicted e3k3iA1
3K3J Predicted e3k3jA1
3KF7 Predicted e3kf7A1
3KQ7 Predicted e3kq7A1
3L8S Predicted e3l8sA1
3L8X Predicted e3l8xA1
3LFA Predicted e3lfaA1
3LFB Predicted e3lfbA1
3LFC Predicted e3lfcA1
3LFD Predicted e3lfdA1
3LFE Predicted e3lfeA1
3LFF Predicted e3lffA1
3LHJ Predicted e3lhjA1
3MGY Predicted e3mgyA1
3MH0 Predicted e3mh0A1
3MH1 Predicted e3mh1A1
3MH2 Predicted e3mh2A1
3MH3 Predicted e3mh3A1
3MPA Predicted e3mpaA1
3MPT Predicted e3mptA1
3MVL Predicted e3mvlA1
3MVM Predicted e3mvmA1
3MW1 Predicted e3mw1A1
3NEW Predicted e3newA1
3NNU Predicted e3nnuA1
3NNV Predicted e3nnvA1
3NNW Predicted e3nnwA1
3NNX Predicted e3nnxA1
3NWW Predicted e3nwwA1
3O8P Predicted e3o8pA1
3O8T Predicted e3o8tA1
3O8U Predicted e3o8uA1
3OBG Predicted e3obgA1
3OBJ Predicted e3objA1
3OC1 Predicted e3oc1A1
3OCG Predicted e3ocgA1
3OD6 Predicted e3od6X1
3ODY Predicted e3odyX1
3ODZ Predicted e3odzX1
3OEF Predicted e3oefX1
3PG3 Predicted e3pg3A1
3QUD Predicted e3qudA2
3QUE Predicted e3queA2
3RIN Predicted e3rinA2
3ROC Predicted e3rocA1
3S3I Predicted e3s3iA1
3S4Q Predicted e3s4qA2
3U8W Predicted e3u8wA2
3UVP Predicted e3uvpA1
3UVQ Predicted e3uvqA2
3UVR Predicted e3uvrA1
3ZS5 Predicted e3zs5A2
3ZSG Predicted e3zsgA2
3ZSH Predicted e3zshA2
3ZSI Predicted e3zsiA2
3ZYA Predicted e3zyaA1
4A9Y Predicted e4a9yA2
4AA0 Predicted e4aa0A2
4AA4 Predicted e4aa4A1
4AA5 Predicted e4aa5A1
4AAC Predicted e4aacA1
4DLI Predicted e4dliA2
4DLJ Predicted e4dljA1
4E5A Predicted e4e5aX1
4E5B Predicted e4e5bA2
4E6A Predicted e4e6aA2
4E6C Predicted e4e6cA2
4E8A Predicted e4e8aA2
4EH2 Predicted e4eh2A2
4EH3 Predicted e4eh3A1
4EH4 Predicted e4eh4A2
4EH5 Predicted e4eh5A2
4EH6 Predicted e4eh6A2
4EH7 Predicted e4eh7A2
4EH8 Predicted e4eh8A2
4EH9 Predicted e4eh9A2
4EHV Predicted e4ehvA2
4EWQ Predicted e4ewqA1
4F9W Predicted e4f9wA2
4F9Y Predicted e4f9yA2
4FA2 Predicted e4fa2A2
4GEO Predicted e4geoA1
4KIN Predicted e4kinD1
4KIP Predicted e4kipA1
4KIQ Predicted e4kiqA1
4L8M Predicted e4l8mA1
4R3C Predicted e4r3cA1
4ZTH Predicted e4zthA1
5ETA Predicted e5etaB1
5ETC Predicted e5etcA1
5ETF Predicted e5etfA1
5ETI Predicted e5etiA1
5ML5 Predicted e5ml5A1
5MTX Predicted e5mtxA1
5MTY Predicted e5mtyA1
5MZ3 Predicted e5mz3A1
5N63 Predicted e5n63A1
5N64 Predicted e5n64A1
5N65 Predicted e5n65A1
5N66 Predicted e5n66A1
5N67 Predicted e5n67A1
5N68 Predicted e5n68A1
5O8U Predicted e5o8uA1
5O8V Predicted e5o8vA1
5OMG Predicted e5omgA1
5OMH Predicted e5omhA1
5TBE Predicted e5tbeA1
5TCO Predicted e5tcoA1
5WJJ Predicted e5wjjA1
5XYX Predicted e5xyxA1
5XYY Predicted e5xyyA1
6ANL Predicted e6anlA1
6HWT Predicted e6hwtA1
6HWU Predicted e6hwuA1
6HWV Predicted e6hwvA1
6M95 Predicted e6m95A1
6M9L Predicted e6m9lA1
6OHD Predicted e6ohdA1
6SFI Predicted e6sfiA1
6SFJ Predicted e6sfjA1
6SFK Predicted e6sfkA1
6SFO Predicted e6sfoA1