DB00157 NADH

SMILES: NC(=O)C1=CN(C=CC1)[C@@H]1O[C@H](CO[P@](O)(=O)O[P@](O)(=O)OC[C@H]2O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]2O)N2C=NC3=C(N)N=CN=C23)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O
Small molecule PDB accession : NAI
Drug action: n/a

List of PDB structures and/or AlphaFold models with target protein Q16878
PDB/AF Accession PyMOL script Experimental / Predicted Interacting ECOD domains ECOD X-group name LigPlot
Q16878 Download Predicted Q16878_nD1
2IC1 Predicted e2ic1A1
6BGF Predicted e6bgfA1
6BGM Predicted e6bgmA1
6BPR Predicted e6bprA1
6BPS Predicted e6bpsA1
6BPT Predicted e6bptA1
6BPU Predicted e6bpuA1
6BPV Predicted e6bpvA1
6BPW Predicted e6bpwA1
6BPX Predicted e6bpxA1
6CDH Predicted e6cdhA1
6CDN Predicted e6cdnA1
6E87 Predicted e6e87A1
6N42 Predicted e6n42A1
6N43 Predicted e6n43A1