DB00570 Vinblastine

SMILES: [H][C@@]12N(C)C3=CC(OC)=C(C=C3[C@@]11CCN3CC=C[C@@](CC)([C@@H](OC(C)=O)[C@]2(O)C(=O)OC)[C@@]13[H])[C@]1(C[C@@]2([H])CN(C[C@](O)(CC)C2)CCC2=C1NC1=C2C=CC=C1)C(=O)OC
Small molecule PDB accession : VLB

List of proteins that are targets for DB00570
# DrugDomain Data UniProt Accession Drug action Protein name Affinity data
1 Q71U36_DB00570 Q71U36 binder Tubulin alpha-1A chain
2 P07437_DB00570 P07437 binder Tubulin beta chain
3 P23258_DB00570 P23258 binder Tubulin gamma-1 chain
4 P05412_DB00570 P05412 other/unknown Transcription factor AP-1
5 Q9UJT1_DB00570 Q9UJT1 binder Tubulin delta chain
6 Q9UJT0_DB00570 Q9UJT0 binder Tubulin epsilon chain