DB06663 Pasireotide

SMILES: NCCCC[C@@H]1NC(=O)[C@@H](CC2=CNC3=C2C=CC=C3)NC(=O)[C@@H](NC(=O)[C@@H]2C[C@H](CN2C(=O)[C@H](CC2=CC=CC=C2)NC(=O)[C@H](CC2=CC=C(OCC3=CC=CC=C3)C=C2)NC1=O)OC(=O)NCCN)C1=CC=CC=C1
Small molecule PDB accession : n/a

List of proteins that are targets for DB06663
# DrugDomain Data UniProt Accession Drug action Protein name Affinity data
1 P30874_DB06663 P30874 n/a Somatostatin receptor type 2
2 P30872_DB06663 P30872 n/a Somatostatin receptor type 1
3 P32745_DB06663 P32745 n/a Somatostatin receptor type 3
4 P35346_DB06663 P35346 n/a Somatostatin receptor type 5