DB09229 Aranidipine

SMILES: COC(=O)C1=C(C)NC(C)=C(C1C1=CC=CC=C1[N+]([O-])=O)C(=O)OCC(C)=O
Small molecule PDB accession : n/a

List of proteins that are targets for DB09229
# DrugDomain Data UniProt Accession Drug action Protein name Affinity data
1 Q01668_DB09229 Q01668 antagonist Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1D
2 Q13698_DB09229 Q13698 antagonist Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S
3 Q13936_DB09229 Q13936 antagonist Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1C
4 O95180_DB09229 O95180 inhibitor Voltage-dependent T-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1H
5 O60840_DB09229 O60840 antagonist Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1F