DB12843 Oleandrin

SMILES: CO[C@H]1C[C@H](O[C@H]2CC[C@@]3(C)[C@H](CC[C@@H]4[C@@H]3CC[C@]3(C)[C@H]([C@H](C[C@]43O)OC(C)=O)C3=CC(=O)OC3)C2)O[C@@H](C)[C@@H]1O
Small molecule PDB accession : n/a

List of proteins that are targets for DB12843
# DrugDomain Data UniProt Accession Drug action Protein name Affinity data
1 P01138_DB12843 P01138 inhibitor Beta-nerve growth factor
2 P01133_DB12843 P01133 inhibitor Pro-epidermal growth factor
3 P10145_DB12843 P10145 inhibitor Interleukin-8
4 P14780_DB12843 P14780 inhibitor Matrix metalloproteinase-9
5 P10415_DB12843 P10415 downregulator Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2
6 Q14790_DB12843 Q14790 regulator Caspase-8
7 P42574_DB12843 P42574 regulator Caspase-3
8 P08253_DB12843 P08253 inhibitor 72 kDa type IV collagenase
9 P29323_DB12843 P29323 activator Ephrin type-B receptor 2
10 P42345_DB12843 P42345 downregulator Serine/threonine-protein kinase mTOR