Query         047994
Match_columns 101
No_of_seqs    20 out of 22
Neff          2.9 
Searched_HMMs 46136
Date          Fri Mar 29 05:15:32 2013
Command       hhsearch -i /work/01045/syshi/csienesis_hhblits_a3m/047994.a3m -d /work/01045/syshi/HHdatabase/Cdd.hhm -o /work/01045/syshi/hhsearch_cdd/047994hhsearch_cdd -cpu 12 -v 0 

 No Hit                             Prob E-value P-value  Score    SS Cols Query HMM  Template HMM
  1 PF03208 PRA1:  PRA1 family pro  99.2 1.6E-11 3.5E-16   86.4   3.9   50   49-100     5-54  (153)
  2 KOG3142 Prenylated rab accepto  97.4 0.00015 3.2E-09   56.0   3.8   43   53-97     38-80  (187)
  3 COG5130 YIP3 Prenylated rab ac  93.2    0.11 2.3E-06   40.3   3.4   40   56-96     32-71  (169)
  4 PF03374 ANT:  Phage antirepres  45.2      12 0.00026   24.9   1.1   20   10-29     34-53  (111)
  5 PF15178 TOM_sub5:  Mitochondri  43.6      34 0.00073   22.1   2.9   27   71-97     12-38  (51)
  6 PF14664 RICTOR_N:  Rapamycin-i  41.8      21 0.00045   29.6   2.2   52   48-99    268-331 (371)
  7 COG5144 TFB2 RNA polymerase II  37.9      13 0.00028   32.5   0.5   24    1-28     50-73  (447)
  8 TIGR03687 pupylate_cterm ubiqu  35.0      27 0.00059   20.8   1.4   15   77-91     14-28  (33)
  9 PF10092 DUF2330:  Uncharacteri  34.8      20 0.00044   30.1   1.2   12   15-26    139-150 (348)
 10 TIGR02742 TrbC_Ftype type-F co  32.3      24 0.00053   25.6   1.1   18    8-25      5-22  (130)
 11 PF09673 TrbC_Ftype:  Type-F co  32.3      25 0.00054   24.4   1.1   17    8-24      4-20  (113)
 12 PF09921 DUF2153:  Uncharacteri  30.5      25 0.00053   26.3   0.9    9   15-23     47-55  (126)
 13 COG3645 Uncharacterized phage-  30.4      25 0.00054   26.4   0.9   21   10-30     57-77  (135)
 14 PF12959 DUF3848:  Protein of u  29.5      21 0.00045   25.7   0.3   30    4-38     62-92  (101)
 15 PF11639 HapK:  REDY-like prote  29.4      23  0.0005   25.6   0.6   18   11-28     13-30  (104)
 16 KOG4050 Glutamate transporter   29.2      48   0.001   26.3   2.3   47   52-99     19-67  (188)
 17 PF08260 Kinin:  Insect kinin p  29.1      12 0.00027   16.2  -0.5    7   14-20      1-7   (8)
 18 PF10905 DUF2695:  Protein of u  27.5      39 0.00084   21.5   1.3   15   11-25     29-43  (53)
 19 PF12415 rpo132:  Poxvirus DNA   26.3      42 0.00091   19.8   1.2   33   58-90      1-33  (33)
 20 PLN02999 photosystem II oxygen  26.1      75  0.0016   25.3   2.9   38   56-94     71-122 (190)
 21 PRK10699 phosphatidylglyceroph  22.6      40 0.00087   26.9   0.8   25   51-75    142-166 (244)
 22 KOG3471 RNA polymerase II tran  22.4      41 0.00089   29.9   0.9   28    1-32     57-84  (465)
 23 PF01277 Oleosin:  Oleosin;  In  21.8      83  0.0018   23.0   2.3   24   67-90     88-114 (118)

No 1  
>PF03208 PRA1:  PRA1 family protein;  InterPro: IPR004895 This family includes yeast hypothetical proteins and the uncharacterised rat prenylated rab acceptor protein PRA1.
Probab=99.19  E-value=1.6e-11  Score=86.39  Aligned_cols=50  Identities=32%  Similarity=0.606  Sum_probs=46.2

Q ss_pred             cCCCCCcchhhhcccccccCCCChhhhhhhhhhhHHHHhhhhHHhHhhhhhc
Q Consensus        49 ~~~t~~WtreF~g~~~SYSfP~s~~qarlRv~eNvkrY~rNYa~l~i~~Fac  100 (101)
                      ..+..|| +||+ ..++||.|++..|++.|+..|+..|..||+.++++++++
T Consensus         5 ~~~~Rpw-~eF~-~~~~fs~P~~~~~~~~Ri~~Nl~~F~~NY~~i~~~~~~~   54 (153)
Confidence            3577899 8999 788999999999999999999999999999999998876

No 2  
>KOG3142 consensus Prenylated rab acceptor 1 [Intracellular trafficking, secretion, and vesicular transport]
Probab=97.44  E-value=0.00015  Score=56.04  Aligned_cols=43  Identities=23%  Similarity=0.509  Sum_probs=37.5

Q ss_pred             CCcchhhhcccccccCCCChhhhhhhhhhhHHHHhhhhHHhHhhh
Q Consensus        53 ~~WtreF~g~~~SYSfP~s~~qarlRv~eNvkrY~rNYa~l~i~~   97 (101)
                      .|| +||+.. .+.|.|+|..+|..|+--|+..|--||+.++.++
T Consensus        38 RpW-~ef~d~-~~fs~P~s~s~a~sRi~~Nl~yF~~NY~~iv~~~   80 (187)
Confidence            459 799954 6789999999999999999999999999877543

No 3  
>COG5130 YIP3 Prenylated rab acceptor 1 and related proteins [Intracellular trafficking and secretion / Signal transduction mechanisms]
Probab=93.20  E-value=0.11  Score=40.27  Aligned_cols=40  Identities=30%  Similarity=0.515  Sum_probs=33.9

Q ss_pred             chhhhcccccccCCCChhhhhhhhhhhHHHHhhhhHHhHhh
Q Consensus        56 treF~g~~~SYSfP~s~~qarlRv~eNvkrY~rNYa~l~i~   96 (101)
                      +||||.-. --|-|....||+.||--|++|+--||..+..+
T Consensus        32 ~~eFfni~-rIs~PqNf~eaqsRv~~Nl~rFssnYlaiia~   71 (169)
T ss_pred             HHHHhccc-cccCCcchHHHHHHHHhhHHHHhhhHHHHHHH
Confidence            48999643 35889999999999999999999999876543

No 4  
>PF03374 ANT:  Phage antirepressor protein KilAC domain;  InterPro: IPR005039 This entry is represented by Bacteriophage P1, Ant1 C-terminal domain, which represents the processed Ant2 chain. The characteristics of the protein distribution suggest prophage matches in addition to the phage matches. Prophages P1 and P7 exist as unit copy DNA plasmids in the bacterial cell. Maintenance of the prophage state requires the continuous expression of two repressors: (i) C1 is a protein which negatively regulates the expression of lytic genes including the C1 inactivator gene coi, and (ii) C4 is an antisense RNA which specifically inhibits the synthesis of an anti-repressor Ant.; GO: 0003677 DNA binding
Probab=45.19  E-value=12  Score=24.86  Aligned_cols=20  Identities=25%  Similarity=0.529  Sum_probs=17.6

Q ss_pred             cccCchHHHHhhhhcchhhH
Q 047994           10 LNVPDPAFESWLRDSSYLEI   29 (101)
Q Consensus        10 Lsvp~~afe~WlrDsg~le~   29 (101)
T Consensus        34 L~i~~~~l~~~Lr~~g~l~~   53 (111)
T PF03374_consen   34 LGIGRNKLFQWLREKGWLYR   53 (111)
T ss_pred             hCCCHHHHHHHHHhCCceEE
Confidence            57889999999999998865

No 5  
>PF15178 TOM_sub5:  Mitochondrial import receptor subunit TOM5 homolog
Probab=43.63  E-value=34  Score=22.14  Aligned_cols=27  Identities=26%  Similarity=0.471  Sum_probs=24.0

Q ss_pred             ChhhhhhhhhhhHHHHhhhhHHhHhhh
Q 047994           71 SPHTLKLRVHENVKRYARNYASLFILF   97 (101)
Q Consensus        71 s~~qarlRv~eNvkrY~rNYa~l~i~~   97 (101)
T Consensus        12 DPeE~k~kmR~dvissvrnFliyVALl   38 (51)
Confidence            578999999999999999999887764

No 6  
>PF14664 RICTOR_N:  Rapamycin-insensitive companion of mTOR, N-term
Probab=41.84  E-value=21  Score=29.64  Aligned_cols=52  Identities=19%  Similarity=0.385  Sum_probs=32.0

Q ss_pred             ccCCCCCcchhhhcccccccCCCChhhhhhh---------hh---hhHHHHhhhhHHhHhhhhh
Q Consensus        48 l~~~t~~WtreF~g~~~SYSfP~s~~qarlR---------v~---eNvkrY~rNYa~l~i~~Fa   99 (101)
                      |.-++|+|+.+|....+.-.+.+...+++++         +.   ++-...+.||.+|.+.+|.
T Consensus       268 lrik~p~w~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~y~aLll~ili  331 (371)
T ss_pred             HCCCCCCcccchhhcccccccccccchhhhcccccccccccCccccccccHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Confidence            4567889999999644444444332223332         11   1344678899999888774

No 7  
>COG5144 TFB2 RNA polymerase II transcription initiation/nucleotide excision repair factor TFIIH, subunit TFB2 [Transcription / DNA replication, recombination, and repair]
Probab=37.86  E-value=13  Score=32.45  Aligned_cols=24  Identities=25%  Similarity=0.556  Sum_probs=19.2

Q ss_pred             CCccCCCcccccCchHHHHhhhhcchhh
Q 047994            1 MVFASNPLSLNVPDPAFESWLRDSSYLE   28 (101)
Q Consensus         1 M~F~~NPLSLsvp~~afe~WlrDsg~le   28 (101)
                      |.|.+||.||+    +++.|++.++-+-
T Consensus        50 mlfn~~~v~ll----d~d~wik~~~Ki~   73 (447)
T COG5144          50 MLFNSHSVSLL----DEDEWIKETLKIL   73 (447)
T ss_pred             HHcCCCCcchh----hHHHHHhhhhHHH
Confidence            67888887775    8999999998443

No 8  
>TIGR03687 pupylate_cterm ubiquitin-like protein Pup. Members of this protein family are Pup, a small protein whose ligation to target proteins steers them toward degradation. This protein family occurs in a number of bacteria, especially Actinobacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, that possess an archeal-type proteasome. All members of this protein family known during model construction end with the C-terminal motif [FY][VI]QKGG[QE]. Ligation is thought to occur between the C-terminal COOH of Pup and an epsilon-amino group of a Lys on the target protein. The N-terminal half of this protein is poorly conserved and not represented in the seed alignment.
Probab=34.96  E-value=27  Score=20.83  Aligned_cols=15  Identities=13%  Similarity=0.379  Sum_probs=12.5

Q ss_pred             hhhhhhHHHHhhhhH
Q 047994           77 LRVHENVKRYARNYA   91 (101)
Q Consensus        77 lRv~eNvkrY~rNYa   91 (101)
T Consensus        14 ~vLe~NAe~FV~~fV   28 (33)
T TIGR03687        14 GVLESNAEEFVRGFV   28 (33)
T ss_pred             HHHHHhHHHHHHHHH
Confidence            346889999999996

No 9  
>PF10092 DUF2330:  Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria (DUF2330);  InterPro: IPR019283  Members of this family of hypothetical bacterial proteins have no known function. 
Probab=34.84  E-value=20  Score=30.10  Aligned_cols=12  Identities=42%  Similarity=1.121  Sum_probs=10.8

Q ss_pred             hHHHHhhhhcch
Q 047994           15 PAFESWLRDSSY   26 (101)
Q Consensus        15 ~afe~WlrDsg~   26 (101)
T Consensus       139 ~gL~~WL~~ngY  150 (348)
T PF10092_consen  139 DGLRTWLRDNGY  150 (348)
T ss_pred             HHHHHHHHHcCC
Confidence            579999999997

No 10 
>TIGR02742 TrbC_Ftype type-F conjugative transfer system pilin assembly protein TrbC. This protein is an essential component of the F-type conjugative pilus assembly system for the transfer of plasmid DNA. The N-terminal portion of these proteins are heterogeneous and are not covered by this model.
Probab=32.31  E-value=24  Score=25.60  Aligned_cols=18  Identities=22%  Similarity=0.626  Sum_probs=16.0

Q ss_pred             cccccCchHHHHhhhhcc
Q 047994            8 LSLNVPDPAFESWLRDSS   25 (101)
Q Consensus         8 LSLsvp~~afe~WlrDsg   25 (101)
T Consensus         5 vS~SMP~~~Lk~l~~~a~   22 (130)
T TIGR02742         5 VSFSMPEPLLKQLLDQAE   22 (130)
T ss_pred             EEcCCCHHHHHHHHHHHH
Confidence            489999999999999953

No 11 
>PF09673 TrbC_Ftype:  Type-F conjugative transfer system pilin assembly protein;  InterPro: IPR019106 This entry represents TrbC, a protein that is an essential component of the F-type conjugative pilus assembly system (aka type 4 secretion system) for the transfer of plasmid DNA [, ]. The N-terminal portion of these proteins is heterogeneous. 
Probab=32.30  E-value=25  Score=24.37  Aligned_cols=17  Identities=24%  Similarity=0.657  Sum_probs=15.4

Q ss_pred             cccccCchHHHHhhhhc
Q 047994            8 LSLNVPDPAFESWLRDS   24 (101)
Q Consensus         8 LSLsvp~~afe~WlrDs   24 (101)
T Consensus         4 vS~SMP~~~L~~l~~~a   20 (113)
T PF09673_consen    4 VSFSMPDASLRNLLKQA   20 (113)
T ss_pred             EECCCCHHHHHHHHHHH
Confidence            48999999999999984

No 12 
>PF09921 DUF2153:  Uncharacterized protein conserved in archaea (DUF2153);  InterPro: IPR014450 There is currently no experimental data for members of this group or their homologues, nor do they exhibit features indicative of any function.
Probab=30.51  E-value=25  Score=26.32  Aligned_cols=9  Identities=56%  Similarity=1.335  Sum_probs=8.2

Q ss_pred             hHHHHhhhh
Q 047994           15 PAFESWLRD   23 (101)
Q Consensus        15 ~afe~WlrD   23 (101)
T Consensus        47 KaFd~WLqd   55 (126)
T PF09921_consen   47 KAFDQWLQD   55 (126)
T ss_pred             HHHHHHHcC
Confidence            589999999

No 13 
>COG3645 Uncharacterized phage-encoded protein [Function unknown]
Probab=30.43  E-value=25  Score=26.45  Aligned_cols=21  Identities=29%  Similarity=0.605  Sum_probs=17.1

Q ss_pred             cccCchHHHHhhhhcchhhHh
Q 047994           10 LNVPDPAFESWLRDSSYLEIL   30 (101)
Q Consensus        10 Lsvp~~afe~WlrDsg~le~~   30 (101)
T Consensus        57 lkige~~l~~~L~e~~~l~~~   77 (135)
T COG3645          57 LKIGENRLFAWLRENKYLIKR   77 (135)
T ss_pred             HccCHHHHHHHHHHCCEEEEc
Confidence            346788899999999998655

No 14 
>PF12959 DUF3848:  Protein of unknown function (DUF3848);  InterPro: IPR024380 This domain is found in a family of uncharacterised proteins found by clustering human gut metagenomic sequences[].
Probab=29.49  E-value=21  Score=25.74  Aligned_cols=30  Identities=17%  Similarity=0.485  Sum_probs=21.7

Q ss_pred             cCCCcccccCchHHHHhh-hhcchhhHhhhhccccc
Q Consensus         4 ~~NPLSLsvp~~afe~Wl-rDsg~le~~d~~~s~~a   38 (101)
                      +++||     +.-+..|+ +|+||++.|-.+..+.+
T Consensus        62 sp~PL-----~~iY~~w~~~et~~mD~ird~i~~~A   92 (101)
T PF12959_consen   62 SPSPL-----ADIYREWEKKETSHMDEIRDTIEDRA   92 (101)
T ss_pred             CCChH-----HHHHHHHHhcccchHHHHHHHHHHHH
Confidence            46666     35689999 78999999877654433

No 15 
>PF11639 HapK:  REDY-like protein HapK;  InterPro: IPR021667  This family of proteins represents HapK, a protein of unknown function, with two homologues PigK and RedY. The monomer structure of the protein contains a four-stranded anti parallel beta-sheet, three alpha-helices and a short C-terminal tail which it uses for dimer formation []. The surface of HapK has a deep cavity with consists of a kinked helix and a beta-four strand. HapK could be involved in prodigiosin biosynthesis, specifically the binding of a bipyrrole intermediate such as HBM or MBM []. ; PDB: 2JDJ_B.
Probab=29.44  E-value=23  Score=25.64  Aligned_cols=18  Identities=39%  Similarity=0.857  Sum_probs=14.6

Q ss_pred             ccCchHHHHhhhhcchhh
Q 047994           11 NVPDPAFESWLRDSSYLE   28 (101)
Q Consensus        11 svp~~afe~WlrDsg~le   28 (101)
T Consensus        13 gv~~~~fe~Wv~~tDy~t   30 (104)
T PF11639_consen   13 GVDPAAFERWVRETDYPT   30 (104)
T ss_dssp             GGGHHHHHHHHHHTHHHH
T ss_pred             CCCHHHHHHHHHhcchhc
Confidence            467789999999987653

No 16 
>KOG4050 consensus Glutamate transporter EAAC1-interacting protein GTRAP3-18 [Amino acid transport and metabolism; Signal transduction mechanisms]
Probab=29.24  E-value=48  Score=26.28  Aligned_cols=47  Identities=23%  Similarity=0.350  Sum_probs=36.1

Q ss_pred             CCCcchhhhcccccccCCC--ChhhhhhhhhhhHHHHhhhhHHhHhhhhh
Q Consensus        52 t~~WtreF~g~~~SYSfP~--s~~qarlRv~eNvkrY~rNYa~l~i~~Fa   99 (101)
                      ---| .+|+-.++-|.=|.  .+..=--||-.|+--|--||...||..|+
T Consensus        19 lRa~-ddF~lgS~Rfa~Pd~~D~~kW~nRVisNLLYyQTNYfv~~it~~~   67 (188)
T ss_pred             chhH-HHhccCcccccCCCCccHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhHHHHHHHHHH
Confidence            3456 57776667777664  44555579999999999999999998775

No 17 
>PF08260 Kinin:  Insect kinin peptide;  InterPro: IPR013202 This entry represents neuropeptides that are the first members of the insect kinin-family isolated from the American cockroach. Their occurrence in the retrocerebral complex suggests a physiological role as a neurohormone. The C-terminal sequence Phe-X-Ser-Trp-Gly-NH2 characterised the peptides as members of the insect kinin family. Data suggest a possible involvement of insect kinins in water-balance by regulating the osmoregulation. Insect kinins also mediate visceral muscle contractile activity (myotropic activity) []. These peptides have lengths ranging from 6 to 14 amino acids [].
Probab=29.07  E-value=12  Score=16.24  Aligned_cols=7  Identities=86%  Similarity=1.853  Sum_probs=4.5

Q ss_pred             chHHHHh
Q 047994           14 DPAFESW   20 (101)
Q Consensus        14 ~~afe~W   20 (101)
T Consensus         1 ~pafnsw    7 (8)
T PF08260_consen    1 DPAFNSW    7 (8)
T ss_pred             Ccccccc
Confidence            4667766

No 18 
>PF10905 DUF2695:  Protein of unknown function (DUF2695);  InterPro: IPR024248 This bacterial family of proteins has no known function.
Probab=27.46  E-value=39  Score=21.55  Aligned_cols=15  Identities=20%  Similarity=0.450  Sum_probs=12.9

Q ss_pred             ccCchHHHHhhhhcc
Q 047994           11 NVPDPAFESWLRDSS   25 (101)
Q Consensus        11 svp~~afe~WlrDsg   25 (101)
T Consensus        29 ~~~~~~vl~~l~~nG   43 (53)
T PF10905_consen   29 QLDWEDVLEWLRENG   43 (53)
T ss_pred             CCCHHHHHHHHHHcC
Confidence            577899999999987

No 19 
>PF12415 rpo132:  Poxvirus DNA dependent RNA polymerase;  InterPro: IPR024390 All three classes of poxvirus genes - early, intermediate and late - are transcribed by the viral RNA polymerase compex []. This complex is composed of nine distinct subunits which total more than 500kDa in mass. The two largest subunits (147 and 136kDa) are homologous to the largest subunits of eukaryotic and prokaryotic RNA polymerases and, like them, are thought to form a claw-shaped structure whose cleft is the site of template interaction and phosphodiester bond formation. While the smaller subunits of poxvirus RNA polymerase show much less similarity, if any, to the smaller subunits of the eukaryotic and prokaryotic enzymes, it is thought that they may play a similar role in interacting with transcription factors. The 132kDa subunit is the second largest subunit of the poxvirus DNA dependent RNA polymerase and shows structural similarity to the second-largest RNA polymerase subunits of eubacteria, archaebacteria, and eukaryotes.
Probab=26.31  E-value=42  Score=19.82  Aligned_cols=33  Identities=30%  Similarity=0.328  Sum_probs=25.0

Q ss_pred             hhhcccccccCCCChhhhhhhhhhhHHHHhhhh
Q Consensus        58 eF~g~~~SYSfP~s~~qarlRv~eNvkrY~rNY   90 (101)
T Consensus         1 dfI~~~Lsydmp~ei~ylvnalIestk~i~~~~   33 (33)
Confidence            456666789999988877777778888877664

No 20 
>PLN02999 photosystem II oxygen-evolving enhancer 3 protein (PsbQ)
Probab=26.13  E-value=75  Score=25.25  Aligned_cols=38  Identities=29%  Similarity=0.405  Sum_probs=30.4

Q ss_pred             chhhhcccccccCCCChhhhhhhhhhhHH--------------HHhhhhHHhH
Q 047994           56 TREFIGALRSYSFPSSPHTLKLRVHENVK--------------RYARNYASLF   94 (101)
Q Consensus        56 treF~g~~~SYSfP~s~~qarlRv~eNvk--------------rY~rNYa~l~   94 (101)
                      ||.|+ --+=|-=|-++.+|-.|+-|.++              +|+.||+.+-
T Consensus        71 tRsfL-Kerfy~p~lspeeAaaRiK~sA~dLl~vK~LId~~aW~YVq~~LRlk  122 (190)
Confidence            67787 45667789999999999988765              6888888764

No 21 
>PRK10699 phosphatidylglycerophosphatase B; Provisional
Probab=22.60  E-value=40  Score=26.91  Aligned_cols=25  Identities=24%  Similarity=0.574  Sum_probs=19.1

Q ss_pred             CCCCcchhhhcccccccCCCChhhh
Q 047994           51 TTPSWTREFIGALRSYSFPSSPHTL   75 (101)
Q Consensus        51 ~t~~WtreF~g~~~SYSfP~s~~qa   75 (101)
T Consensus       142 ~~~~w~~~hw~~~~gySFPSGHa~~  166 (244)
T PRK10699        142 NIPQWLRSHWQKETGFAFPSGHTMF  166 (244)
T ss_pred             cCCHHHHhccCCCCCCCCChHHHHH
Confidence            5677866665566899999998874

No 22 
>KOG3471 consensus RNA polymerase II transcription initiation/nucleotide excision repair factor TFIIH, subunit TFB2 [Transcription; Replication, recombination and repair]
Probab=22.37  E-value=41  Score=29.86  Aligned_cols=28  Identities=25%  Similarity=0.520  Sum_probs=22.2

Q ss_pred             CCccCCCcccccCchHHHHhhhhcchhhHhhh
Q Consensus         1 M~F~~NPLSLsvp~~afe~WlrDsg~le~~d~   32 (101)
                      |.|+++|    ||..+++.|++-+|-.|+-+.
T Consensus        57 MLf~~~p----VP~a~~~~Wv~~~~tk~q~ea   84 (465)
T KOG3471|consen   57 MLFKDQP----VPLADVDLWVKVEETKEQEEA   84 (465)
T ss_pred             HHhcCCC----ccHHHHHHHhhhhhHHHHHHH
Confidence            5677776    688899999999987776655

No 23 
>PF01277 Oleosin:  Oleosin;  InterPro: IPR000136 Oleosins [] are the proteinaceous components of plants' lipid storage bodies called oil bodies. Oil bodies are small droplets (0.2 to 1.5 mu-m in diameter) containing mostly triacylglycerol that are surrounded by a phospholipid/ oleosin annulus. Oleosins may have a structural role in stabilising the lipid body during dessication of the seed, by preventing coalescence of the oil. They may also provide recognition signals for specific lipase anchorage in lipolysis during seedling growth. Oleosins are found in the monolayer lipid/ water interface of oil bodies and probably interact with both the lipid and phospholipid moieties. Oleosins are proteins of 16 Kd to 24 Kd and are composed of three domains: an N-terminal hydrophilic region of variable length (from 30 to 60 residues); a central hydrophobic domain of about 70 residues and a C-terminal amphipathic region of variable length (from 60 to 100 residues). The central hydrophobic domain is proposed to be made up of beta-strand structure and to interact with the lipids []. It is the only domain whose sequence is conserved.; GO: 0012511 monolayer-surrounded lipid storage body, 0016021 integral to membrane
Probab=21.80  E-value=83  Score=23.00  Aligned_cols=24  Identities=21%  Similarity=0.202  Sum_probs=17.6

Q ss_pred             cCCCChhhhhhhhhh---hHHHHhhhh
Q 047994           67 SFPSSPHTLKLRVHE---NVKRYARNY   90 (101)
Q Consensus        67 SfP~s~~qarlRv~e---NvkrY~rNY   90 (101)
                      .-|...++||.|++|   .++++++-|
T Consensus        88 ~~~~q~d~Ak~ri~d~a~~v~~kake~  114 (118)
T PF01277_consen   88 PGPDQLDYAKRRIADTASYVGQKAKEV  114 (118)
Confidence            347889999999985   566666544
