HHsearch alignment for GI: 254780229 and conserved domain: cd03276

>cd03276 ABC_SMC6_euk Eukaryotic SMC6 proteins; SMC proteins are large (approximately 110 to 170 kDa), and each is arranged into five recognizable domains. Amino-acid sequence homology of SMC proteins between species is largely confined to the amino- and carboxy-terminal globular domains. The amino-terminal domain contains a 'Walker A' nucleotide-binding domain (GxxGxGKS/T, in the single-letter amino-acid code), which by mutational studies has been shown to be essential in several proteins. The carboxy-terminal domain contains a sequence (the DA-box) that resembles a 'Walker B' motif, and a motif with homology to the signature sequence of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family of ATPases. The sequence homology within the carboxy-terminal domain is relatively high within the SMC1-SMC4 group, whereas SMC5 and SMC6 show some divergence in both of these sequences. In eukaryotic cells, the proteins are found as heterodimers of SMC1 paired with SMC3, SMC2 with SMC4, and SMC5 with SMC6 (for
Probab=94.66  E-value=0.025  Score=39.14  Aligned_cols=28  Identities=36%  Similarity=0.513  Sum_probs=22.3

Q ss_conf             8955994287877038999999999967982
Q gi|254780229|r  419 GKNLIIEGPPGTGKSQTITNIIAAAMLHGKK  449 (1775)
Q Consensus       419 g~~~vi~GPPGTGKSQTIaNlIa~~la~Gk~  449 (1775)
T Consensus        22 ~lN-~IiG~NGsGKS-sIl~AI~lgLG-gk~   49 (198)
T cd03276          22 RVN-FIVGNNGSGKS-AILTALTIGLG-GKA   49 (198)
T ss_conf             828-99889999889-99999998638-881