HHsearch alignment for GI: 254780240 and conserved domain: cd03237

>cd03237 ABC_RNaseL_inhibitor_domain2 The ATPase domain 2 of RNase L inhibitor. The ABC ATPase, RNase L inhibitor (RLI), is a key enzyme in ribosomal biogenesis, formation of translation preinitiation complexes, and assembly of HIV capsids. RLI's are not transport proteins and thus cluster with a group of soluble proteins that lack the transmembrane components commonly found in other members of the family. Structurally, RLI's have an N-terminal Fe-S domain and two nucleotide-binding domains which are arranged to form two composite active sites in their interface cleft. RLI is one of the most conserved enzymes between archaea and eukaryotes with a sequence identity of more than 48%. The high degree of evolutionary conservation suggests that RLI performs a central role in archaeal and eukaryotic physiology.
Probab=93.89  E-value=0.048  Score=33.57  Aligned_cols=21  Identities=43%  Similarity=0.450  Sum_probs=17.9

Q ss_conf             999878899967899999997
Q gi|254780240|r    3 IIFLGPPGSGKGTQACRLSQK   23 (201)
Q Consensus         3 I~i~G~PGsGK~T~a~~la~~   23 (201)
T Consensus        28 v~liGpNGaGKSTLlk~l~Gl   48 (246)
T cd03237          28 IGILGPNGIGKTTFIKMLAGV   48 (246)
T ss_conf             999979997699999999778