HHsearch alignment for GI: 254780327 and conserved domain: pfam02810

>pfam02810 SEC-C SEC-C motif. The SEC-C motif found in the C-terminus of the SecA protein, in the middle of some SWI2 ATPases and also solo in several proteins. The motif is predicted to chelate zinc with the CXC and C[HC] pairs that constitute the most conserved feature of the motif. It is predicted to be a potential nucleic acid binding domain.
Probab=98.53  E-value=2.8e-08  Score=86.94  Aligned_cols=20  Identities=75%  Similarity=1.625  Sum_probs=19.0

Q ss_pred             CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
Q ss_conf             99989989997311245889
Q gi|254780327|r  870 RNHPCPCGSGKKYKHCHGSY  889 (890)
Q Consensus       870 RNDPCPCGSGKKYK~ChGan  889 (890)
T Consensus         1 rN~~CPCGSGkkYK~CC~~~   20 (26)
T pfam02810         1 RNDPCPCGSGKKYKKCCGPX   20 (26)
T ss_pred             CCCCCCCCCCCCHHHCCCCC
T ss_conf             98777689986050336986