HHsearch results for GI: 254780384 and protein with PDBid: 2w15_A

>2w15_A Zinc metalloproteinase BAP1; hydrolase inhibitor complex, metal-binding, zinc-depending, metalloprotease, metalloproteinase/inhibitor complex; HET: WR2; 1.05A {Bothrops asper} PDB: 2w12_A* 2w13_A* 2w14_A* 1nd1_A 3gbo_A
Probab=94.88  E-value=0.0066  Score=33.65  Aligned_cols=18  Identities=39%  Similarity=0.704  Sum_probs=15.0

Q ss_pred             EEHHHHHHHHHCCCCCCC
Q ss_conf             300323465518788887
Q gi|254780384|r  122 HNALHEIGHALGLMHPGS  139 (665)
Q Consensus       122 ~t~iHEIGHALGL~Hp~~  139 (665)
T Consensus       138 ~~iAHElGH~lG~~HD~~  155 (202)
T 2w15_A          138 VTMAHELGHNLGIHHDTG  155 (202)
T ss_dssp             HHHHHHHHHHTTCCCCCT
T ss_pred             HHHHHHHHHHCCCCCCCC
T ss_conf             999999998739977899