HHsearch alignment for GI: 254780463 and conserved domain: pfam05622

>pfam05622 HOOK HOOK protein. This family consists of several HOOK1, 2 and 3 proteins from different eukaryotic organisms. The different members of the human gene family are HOOK1, HOOK2 and HOOK3. Different domains have been identified in the three human HOOK proteins, and it was demonstrated that the highly conserved NH2-domain mediates attachment to microtubules, whereas the central coiled-coil motif mediates homodimerization and the more divergent C-terminal domains are involved in binding to specific organelles (organelle-binding domains). It has been demonstrated that endogenous HOOK3 binds to Golgi membranes, whereas both HOOK1 and HOOK2 are localized to discrete but unidentified cellular structures. In mice the Hook1 gene is predominantly expressed in the testis. Hook1 function is necessary for the correct positioning of microtubular structures within the haploid germ cell. Disruption of Hook1 function in mice causes abnormal sperm head shape and fragile attachment of the flagel
Probab=93.59  E-value=0.29  Score=22.69  Aligned_cols=21  Identities=14%  Similarity=0.235  Sum_probs=8.6

Q ss_conf             999999999999999999999
Q gi|254780463|r  602 TYISAVRRATSTSTMRSNDLK  622 (673)
Q Consensus       602 ~~i~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~  622 (673)
T Consensus       622 ~e~~~L~~~l~ek~~~i~~Le  642 (713)
T pfam05622       622 PEIQLLKKQLTERDKRIRHLE  642 (713)
T ss_conf             789999988899999999999