HHsearch alignment for GI: 254780552 and conserved domain: pfam01057

>pfam01057 Parvo_NS1 Parvovirus non-structural protein NS1. This family also contains the NS2 protein. Parvoviruses encode two non-structural proteins, NS1 and NS2. The mRNA for NS2 contains the coding sequence for the first 87 amino acids of NS1, then by an alternative splicing mechanism mRNA from a different reading frame, encoding the last 78 amino acids, makes up the full length of the NS2 mRNA. NS1, is the major non-structural protein. It is essential for DNA replication. It is an 83-kDa nuclear phosphoprotein. It has DNA helicase and ATPase activity.
Probab=96.29  E-value=0.0084  Score=36.64  Aligned_cols=26  Identities=42%  Similarity=0.695  Sum_probs=22.6

Q ss_conf             70799737885577899999986189
Q gi|254780552|r   55 DHVLFVGPPGLGKTTLAQVVARELGV   80 (334)
Q Consensus        55 ~h~Lf~GPpG~GKTtlA~iiA~~l~~   80 (334)
T Consensus       114 N~i~~~Gp~~TGks~la~ai~~~~~~  139 (271)
T pfam01057       114 NTVWFYGPASTGKTNLAQAIAHAVPL  139 (271)
T ss_conf             56999889876789999999986895