HHsearch alignment for GI: 254780615 and conserved domain: cd01871

>cd01871 Rac1_like Rac1-like subfamily. The Rac1-like subfamily consists of Rac1, Rac2, and Rac3 proteins, plus the splice variant Rac1b that contains a 19-residue insertion near switch II relative to Rac1. While Rac1 is ubiquitously expressed, Rac2 and Rac3 are largely restricted to hematopoietic and neural tissues respectively. Rac1 stimulates the formation of actin lamellipodia and membrane ruffles. It also plays a role in cell-matrix adhesion and cell anoikis. In intestinal epithelial cells, Rac1 is an important regulator of migration and mediates apoptosis. Rac1 is also essential for RhoA-regulated actin stress fiber and focal adhesion complex formation. In leukocytes, Rac1 and Rac2 have distinct roles in regulating cell morphology, migration, and invasion, but are not essential for macrophage migration or chemotaxis. Rac3 has biochemical properties that are closely related to Rac1, such as effector interaction, nucleotide binding, and hydrolysis; Rac2 has a slower nucleoti
Probab=90.24  E-value=0.16  Score=28.84  Aligned_cols=22  Identities=36%  Similarity=0.566  Sum_probs=19.7

Q ss_conf             1003675666624899999998
Q gi|254780615|r  151 KIGLFGGAGVGKTVLIMELINN  172 (478)
Q Consensus       151 r~gIfgg~GvGKT~l~~~~i~n  172 (478)
T Consensus         3 KivlvGd~~VGKTsli~r~~~~   24 (174)
T cd01871           3 KCVVVGDGAVGKTCLLISYTTN   24 (174)
T ss_conf             9999899998699999999739