HHsearch alignment for GI: 254780627 and conserved domain: cd03226

>cd03226 ABC_cobalt_CbiO_domain2 Domain II of the ABC component of a cobalt transport family found in bacteria, archaea, and eukaryota. The transition metal cobalt is an essential component of many enzymes and must be transported into cells in appropriate amounts when needed. The CbiMNQO family ABC transport system is involved in cobalt transport in association with the cobalamin (vitamin B12) biosynthetic pathways. Most cobalt (Cbi) transport systems possess a separate CbiN component, the cobalt-binding periplasmic protein, and they are encoded by the conserved gene cluster cbiMNQO. Both the CbiM and CbiQ proteins are integral cytoplasmic membrane proteins, and the CbiO protein has the linker peptide and the Walker A and B motifs commonly found in the ATPase components of the ABC-type transport systems.
Probab=94.44  E-value=0.1  Score=32.30  Aligned_cols=24  Identities=25%  Similarity=0.335  Sum_probs=20.3

Q ss_conf             898627888857999999999986
Q gi|254780627|r  199 LFIHASVGLGKTHLLQAIANASIK  222 (502)
Q Consensus       199 Lfi~G~~GlGKTHLl~ai~~~~~~  222 (502)
T Consensus        29 ~~iiG~nGaGKSTLl~~i~Gl~~p   52 (205)
T cd03226          29 IALTGKNGAGKTTLAKILAGLIKE   52 (205)
T ss_conf             999889999899999999568577