HHsearch alignment for GI: 254780810 and conserved domain: cd03218

>cd03218 ABC_YhbG The ABC transporters belonging to the YhbG family are similar to members of the Mj1267_LivG family, which is involved in the transport of branched-chain amino acids. The genes yhbG and yhbN are located in a single operon and may function together in cell envelope during biogenesis. YhbG is the putative ATP-binding cassette component and YhbN is the putative periplasmic-binding protein. Depletion of each gene product leads to growth arrest, irreversible cell damage and loss of viability in E. coli. The YhbG homolog (NtrA) is essential in Rhizobium meliloti, a symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacterium.
Probab=94.10  E-value=0.037  Score=33.31  Aligned_cols=31  Identities=19%  Similarity=0.270  Sum_probs=27.1

Q ss_conf             8655102312220487787899999999998
Q gi|254780810|r  168 IAPIGKGQRSLIVAPPRTGKTILLQNIAHSI  198 (423)
Q Consensus       168 ~~pig~gqr~~i~~~~~~gkt~ll~~ia~~~  198 (423)
T Consensus        20 s~~v~~Gei~~llGpNGAGKSTll~~i~Gl~   50 (232)
T cd03218          20 SLSVKQGEIVGLLGPNGAGKTTTFYMIVGLV   50 (232)
T ss_conf             6798999599999999961999999997799