HHsearch alignment for GI: 254780810 and conserved domain: cd03221

>cd03221 ABCF_EF-3 ABCF_EF-3 Elongation factor 3 (EF-3) is a cytosolic protein required by fungal ribosomes for in vitro protein synthesis and for in vivo growth. EF-3 stimulates the binding of the EF-1: GTP: aa-tRNA ternary complex to the ribosomal A site by facilitated release of the deacylated tRNA from the E site. The reaction requires ATP hydrolysis. EF-3 contains two ATP nucleotide binding sequence (NBS) motifs. NBSI is sufficient for the intrinsic ATPase activity. NBSII is essential for the ribosome-stimulated functions.
Probab=93.98  E-value=0.041  Score=33.05  Aligned_cols=31  Identities=32%  Similarity=0.427  Sum_probs=26.5

Q ss_conf             6551023122204877878999999999986
Q gi|254780810|r  169 APIGKGQRSLIVAPPRTGKTILLQNIAHSIK  199 (423)
Q Consensus       169 ~pig~gqr~~i~~~~~~gkt~ll~~ia~~~~  199 (423)
T Consensus        21 ~~i~~ge~~~l~G~NGsGKTTl~~~l~G~~~   51 (144)
T cd03221          21 LTINPGDRIGLVGRNGAGKSTLLKLIAGELE   51 (144)
T ss_conf             9987999999998999849999999848988