HHsearch results for GI: 254780911 and protein with PDBid: 3luy_A

>3luy_A Probable chorismate mutase; structural genomics, APC38059, 3- phenylpyruvate, PSI-2, protein structure initiative; HET: PPY; 2.00A {Bifidobacterium adolescentis}
Probab=91.50  E-value=0.82  Score=24.98  Aligned_cols=12  Identities=8%  Similarity=0.545  Sum_probs=4.6

Q ss_pred             HHHHHHHCCCEE
Q ss_conf             999973339409
Q gi|254780911|r  151 LINIIEKNNVEL  162 (288)
Q Consensus       151 il~~l~~~~~Dl  162 (288)
T Consensus       225 iL~~Fa~~~INL  236 (329)
T 3luy_A          225 LLDVFRDAGLNM  236 (329)
T ss_dssp             HHHHHHHTTCCE
T ss_pred             HHHHHHHCCCCE
T ss_conf             999999879676