HHsearch alignment for GI: 254780271 and conserved domain: cd03115

>cd03115 SRP The signal recognition particle (SRP) mediates the transport to or across the plasma membrane in bacteria and the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotes. SRP recognizes N-terminal sighnal sequences of newly synthesized polypeptides at the ribosome. The SRP-polypeptide complex is then targeted to the membrane by an interaction between SRP and its cognated receptor (SR). In mammals, SRP consists of six protein subunits and a 7SL RNA. One of these subunits is a 54 kd protein (SRP54), which is a GTP-binding protein that interacts with the signal sequence when it emerges from the ribosome. SRP54 is a multidomain protein that consists of an N-terminal domain, followed by a central G (GTPase) domain and a C-terminal M domain.
Probab=97.03  E-value=0.00077  Score=47.46  Aligned_cols=23  Identities=52%  Similarity=0.606  Sum_probs=18.1

Q ss_conf             35884073321769999999871
Q gi|254780271|r  115 NILLVGPTGCGKTYLAQTLARII  137 (424)
Q Consensus       115 NILliGPTGvGKTelAr~LAk~l  137 (424)
T Consensus         2 Vi~lvGptGvGKTTTiaKLA~~~   24 (173)
T cd03115           2 VILLVGLQGVGKTTTAAKLALYL   24 (173)
T ss_conf             99998999998899999999999