HHsearch alignment for GI: 254780456 and conserved domain: pfam10447

>pfam10447 EXOSC1 Exosome component EXOSC1/CSL4. This family of proteins are components of the exosome 3'-5' exoribonuclease complex. The exosome mediates degradation of unstable mRNAs that contain AU-rich elements (AREs) within their 3' untranslated regions.
Probab=97.04  E-value=0.0021  Score=37.97  Aligned_cols=13  Identities=38%  Similarity=0.376  Sum_probs=4.3

Q ss_pred             CCEEEEEEEEECC
Q ss_conf             9665899998159
Q gi|254780456|r  283 GSKVSGVVTNLTD  295 (576)
Q Consensus       283 G~~v~g~V~~v~~  295 (576)
T Consensus         5 GdiV~arVtrv~~   17 (72)
T pfam10447         5 GDIVLARVTRVTP   17 (72)
T ss_pred             CCEEEEEEEEECH
T ss_conf             9999999999750