HHsearch alignment for GI: 255764477 and conserved domain: cd03248

>cd03248 ABCC_TAP TAP, the Transporter Associated with Antigen Processing; TAP is essential for peptide delivery from the cytosol into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where these peptides are loaded on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) I molecules. Loaded MHC I leave the ER and display their antigenic cargo on the cell surface to cytotoxic T cells. Subsequently, virus-infected or malignantly transformed cells can be eliminated. TAP belongs to the large family of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, which translocate a vast variety of solutes across membranes.
Probab=95.36  E-value=0.014  Score=36.64  Aligned_cols=21  Identities=38%  Similarity=0.724  Sum_probs=19.5

Q ss_conf             999888866678999999997
Q gi|255764477|r    3 IIGLTGSIGTGKTTVAEFLKK   23 (199)
Q Consensus         3 iIgitG~igSGKStv~~~l~~   23 (199)
T Consensus        42 ~vaIvG~sGsGKSTL~~ll~g   62 (226)
T cd03248          42 VTALVGPSGSGKSTVVALLEN   62 (226)
T ss_conf             999999999849999999964