
DomainSCOPidRangeSCOP ClassSCOP FoldSCOP SuperfamilySCOP familyProtein
1anv_A1d1anv_2A266-A385Small proteinsZn-binding domains of ADDBPZn-binding domains of ADDBPZn-binding domains of ADDBPFirst Zn-domain of early E2A DNA-binding protein, ADDBP
1anv_A2d1anv_3A386-A529Small proteinsZn-binding domains of ADDBPZn-binding domains of ADDBPZn-binding domains of ADDBPFirst Zn-domain of early E2A DNA-binding protein, ADDBP

Alignment-based scores

AlignerAligned LengthSequence IdentityRMSDGDT-TSCOMPASS

In the alignments below, two upper-case letters are aligned, and two lower-case letters are NOT aligned. The superposition files are re-constructed from the corresponding alignments by minimizing the overall RMSD. In a PDB-format superposition file, the first domain is represented by chain S and the second domain is represented by chain A. The coordinates of the first domain are transformed, while the coordinates of the second domain are the same as in the original PDB file.

MANUAL alignment      superposition in PDB format     colored superposition in PyMol

1anv_A1   tgcalwlhrcaeieGEL-KCLHG-----------SIMINKEHVie-----------------nvvqISNtDARCCVHDaacpanqfsgKSCGMFFSeGAKAQVAFKQIKAFMQALYPNAQt---------------------------------
1anv_A2   ---------ghghlLMPlRCECNskpghapflgrQLPKLTPFAlsnaedldadlisdksvlasvhhPAL-IVFQCCNP--------ggPNCDFKIS-APDLLNALVMVRSLWSENFTELPrmvvpefkwstkhqyrnvslpvahsdarqnpfdf

TM alignment      superposition in PDB format     colored superposition in PyMol


FAST alignment      superposition in PDB format     colored superposition in PyMol

1anv_A1   TGCALWLHRCAEIEGEL---------KCLHGS-------------IMINKEHVIENVVQISNT------------------------DARCCVHDAACPANQFSG---KSCGMFFSEGAKAQVAFKQIKAFMQALYPNAQT--------------------------------------