
(click icon to enlarge)
SCOPidRangeSCOP ClassSCOP FoldSCOP SuperfamilySCOP FamilyProtein
d1gxja_A527-A539,A615-A658Alpha and beta proteins (a+b)Smc hinge domainSmc hinge domainSmc hinge domainSmc hinge domain
d1p5dx3X258-X276,X277-X356Alpha and beta proteins (a/b)Phosphoglucomutase, first 3 domainsPhosphoglucomutase, first 3 domainsPhosphoglucomutase, first 3 domainsPhosphomannomutase/phosphoglucomutase

Justification for analogy
1gxj (Smc hinge domain) appears to have two duplicates. Each duplicate has three strands linked by two helices. The two duplicates swap the helix between strand 1 and strand 2. So, although the SCOP fold "Smc hinge domain" only has one protein, I think its core is different from 1p5d, which is apparently a mini-Rossmann. Thus these two motifs are analogs.

Alignment-based scores
AlignerAligned LengthSequence IdentityRMSDGDT-TSCOMPASS

In the alignments below, two upper-case letters are aligned, while two lower-case letters are NOT aligned. The two sequences in an alignment are NOT continuous in most cases (see their ranges). The superpositions are re-constructed from the corresponding alignments by minimizing the overall RMSD. In a PDB-format superposition file, the first domain is represented by chain S and the second domain is represented by chain A.

MANUAL alignment     PDB format superposition    aligned motifs in PyMol   whole structures in PyMol

1gxj_Ai   dekysLAVSVLLG-----------GNSVVV----------------------ETLDDAIRMKKKYRLNtRIATLDGELISG---rGAITggre-----------
1p5d_Xc   ----iYPDRLLMLfakdvvsrnpgADIIFDvkctrrlialisgyggrpvmwkTGHSLIKKKMKETGAL-LAGEMSGHVFFKerwfGFDDgiysaarlleilsqd

DALI alignment     PDB format superposition    aligned motifs in PyMol   whole structures in PyMol

1gxj_Ai   DEKYSLAVSVLLG-------GNSVVV----------------------eTLDDAIRMKKKYRLnTRIATLDGELISG---RGAITGG-----------re
1p5d_Xc   IYPDRLLMLFAKDvvsrnpgADIIFDvkctrrlialisgyggrpvmwktGHSLIKKKMKETGA-LLAGEMSGHVFFKerwFGFDDGIysaarlleilsqd

TM alignment     PDB format superposition    aligned motifs in PyMol   whole structures in PyMol

1gxj_Ai   -DEKYSLAVSVL-LG----G------NSVVV----------------------ETLDDAIRMKKKYRLNTRIATLDGELISG--R-GAITGG-------------RE

FAST alignment     PDB format superposition    aligned motifs in PyMol   whole structures in PyMol

1gxj_Ai   DEK---YSLAVSVLLGG--------NSVVV----------------------ETLDDAIRMKKKYRLNTRIATLDGELISG----RGAITGGRE--------------