
(click icon to enlarge)
SCOPidRangeSCOP ClassSCOP FoldSCOP SuperfamilySCOP FamilyProtein
d1htjf_F335-F375,F465-F487All alpha proteinsRegulator of G-protein signaling, RGSRegulator of G-protein signaling, RGSRegulator of G-protein signaling, RGSPdz-RhoGEF RGS-like domain
d1gnla_A1-A79,A80-A135Multi-domain proteins (alpha and beta)Prismane protein-likePrismane protein-likeHybrid cluster protein (prismane protein)Hybrid cluster protein (prismane protein)

Justification for analogy
From the 1htj paper, the last three helices (helix 10-12) are an integral extension of the RGS fold with many hydrophobic interactions. The last three helices are absent in other RGS, so they are insertions. The 3-helix motif in 1htj is a hybrid, using 1 helix from the insertion and 2 helices from the RGS core.

Alignment-based scores
AlignerAligned LengthSequence IdentityRMSDGDT-TSCOMPASS

In the alignments below, two upper-case letters are aligned, while two lower-case letters are NOT aligned. The two sequences in an alignment are NOT continuous in most cases (see their ranges). The superpositions are re-constructed from the corresponding alignments by minimizing the overall RMSD. In a PDB-format superposition file, the first domain is represented by chain S and the second domain is represented by chain A.

MANUAL alignment     PDB format superposition    aligned motifs in PyMol   whole structures in PyMol

1htj_Fh   ------------------------------aDPSPLLFYLCAEVYQQA---------sPKDSRSLGKDIWNIFlEKNAPLaaDRSAPMDFALNTYMSHAGirl-----------------------------------
1gnl_Ac   snamfcyqcqetvgnkgctqvgvcgkkpetaALQDALIYVTKGLGQIAtrlraegkavDHRIDRLVTGNLFAT-ITNANF--DDDILAERVRMTCAAKKElaasltdksglsdaalweaseksamlakagtvgvmatt

DALI alignment     PDB format superposition    aligned motifs in PyMol   whole structures in PyMol

1htj_Fh   ---------------------------------aDPSPLLFYLCAEVYQQAS---PKDSRSLGKDIWNIFLEKN---aplAADRSAPMDFALNTYMSHAG--------------------------------irl
1gnl_Ac   snamfcyqcqetvgnkgctqvgvcgkkpetaalqDALIYVTKGLGQIATRLRaegKAVDHRIDRLVTGNLFATItnanfdDDILAERVRMTCAAKKELAAsltdksglsdaalweaseksamlakagtvgvmatt

TM alignment     PDB format superposition    aligned motifs in PyMol   whole structures in PyMol

1htj_Fh   -------------------------------A--DPSPLLFYLCAEVYQ-Q----ASPKDSRSLGKDIWNIFLEKNAPL------AADRSAPMDFALNTYMSHAG-----------------------------------IRL

FAST alignment     PDB format superposition    aligned motifs in PyMol   whole structures in PyMol

1htj_Fh   AD-----------------------------------PSPLLFYLCAEVYQQASP---------KDSRSLGKDIWNIFLEKNAPLA----ADRSAPMDFALNTYMSHAGIRL------------------------------------