O60716 | Catenin delta-1provizswissmodel

*Experimental: mutation (blue); functional region (cyan); located in the long functional sequence (lightblue)
*NES patterns: region with experimental evidence (red-orange-yellow); false positive region (gray)

# candidates id start# sequence secondary class multi-pattern diso spotd iup loc_DISO loc_CDD beta
1 fp_D O60716 5 EVESTASILASVKE                CCCCHHHHHHHHHH c3-AT uniq 0.526 0.949 0.553 DISO 0.0
2 fp_D O60716 33 ERRHVSAQLERVRVSP                  HHHHHHCCCCCCCCCC c1a-4 multi-selected 0.572 0.888 0.65 DISO 0.0
3 fp_D O60716 35 RHVSAQLERVRVSP                HHHHCCCCCCCCCC c2-AT-4 multi 0.599 0.884 0.662 DISO 0.0
4 fp_D O60716 364 RQPELPEVIAMLGFRL                  CCCCHHHHHHHHCCCC c1a-4 multi-selected 0.056 0.135 0.351 boundary 0.0
5 fp_D O60716 364 RQPELPEVIAMLGFRL                  CCCCHHHHHHHHCCCC c1d-4 multi 0.056 0.135 0.351 boundary 0.0
6 fp_D O60716 367 ELPEVIAMLGFRLDA                 CHHHHHHHHCCCCHH c1b-5 multi 0.037 0.111 0.262 boundary 0.0
7 fp_D O60716 368 LPEVIAMLGFRLDA                HHHHHHHHCCCCHH c2-4 multi-selected 0.034 0.106 0.247 boundary 0.0
8 fp_D O60716 371 VIAMLGFRLDAVKS                HHHHHCCCCHHHHH c3-4 multi-selected 0.031 0.112 0.189 boundary 0.0
9 fp_D O60716 406 KLKGIPVLVGLLDH                CCCCHHHHHHCCCC c3-4 uniq 0.041 0.077 0.245 boundary small|ARM; 0.0
10 fp_D O60716 424 VHLGACGALKNISFGR                  HHHHHHHHHHHHHCCC c1a-AT-4 uniq 0.019 0.04 0.271 boundary 0.0
11 fp_D O60716 455 ALVRLLRKARDMDLTE                  HHHHHHHHCCCCCCEE c1a-AT-5 multi-selected 0.131 0.086 0.186 boundary small|ARM; 0.0
12 fp_D O60716 456 LVRLLRKARDMDLTE                 HHHHHHHCCCCCCEE c1b-AT-5 multi 0.135 0.089 0.188 boundary small|ARM; 0.0
13 fp_beta_D O60716 464 RDMDLTEVITGTLWNLS                   CCCCCEEEECCCCCCCC c1cR-5 uniq 0.318 0.093 0.201 boundary 0.5
14 fp_D O60716 483 DSIKMEIVDHALHALT                  CCHHHHHHHHHHHHHH c1aR-5 multi-selected 0.179 0.027 0.208 boundary 0.0
15 fp_D O60716 486 KMEIVDHALHALTD                HHHHHHHHHHHHHC c3-4 multi-selected 0.121 0.021 0.206 boundary 0.0
16 fp_D O60716 489 IVDHALHALTDEVIIPH                   HHHHHHHHHHCCCEECC c1c-AT-5 multi 0.095 0.018 0.26 boundary 0.0
17 fp_D O60716 490 VDHALHALTDEVIIPH                  HHHHHHHHHCCCEECC c1a-AT-4 multi 0.089 0.017 0.261 boundary 0.0
18 fp_D O60716 490 VDHALHALTDEVIIPH                  HHHHHHHHHCCCEECC c1d-4 multi 0.089 0.017 0.261 boundary 0.0
19 fp_D O60716 526 VLTNTAGCLRNVSS                HHHCCCCCCCCCCC c3-AT uniq 0.156 0.124 0.337 boundary 0.0
20 fp_D O60716 550 ECDGLVDALIFIVQA                 HCCCHHHHHHHHHHH c1b-AT-4 multi 0.044 0.062 0.158 boundary 0.0
21 fp_D O60716 551 CDGLVDALIFIVQA                CCCHHHHHHHHHHH c2-AT-4 multi-selected 0.041 0.061 0.153 boundary 0.0
22 fp_D O60716 632 GKKPIEDPANDTVDFPK                   CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC c1c-AT-4 uniq 0.443 0.596 0.573 DISO 0.0
23 fp_D O60716 656 YELLFQPEVVRIYISL                  CCCCCCCHHHHHHHHH c1a-4 uniq 0.105 0.173 0.138 __ 0.0
24 fp_D O60716 726 VVKAASGALRNLAVDA                  HHHHHHHHHHHHHCCC c1a-AT-5 uniq 0.093 0.073 0.291 boundary 0.0
25 fp_D O60716 774 TVISILNTINEVIA                HHHHHHHHHHHHHH c3-4 uniq 0.011 0.016 0.186 boundary 0.0
26 fp_D O60716 795 KLRETQGIEKLVLINK                  HHHHCCCHHHHHHHHC c1d-AT-5 multi-selected 0.039 0.054 0.389 boundary 0.0
27 fp_D O60716 795 KLRETQGIEKLVLIN                 HHHHCCCHHHHHHHH c1b-AT-5 multi-selected 0.031 0.054 0.385 boundary 0.0
28 fp_D O60716 815 SEKEVRAAALVLQT                CHHHHHHHHHHHHH c2-AT-4 multi-selected 0.169 0.05 0.347 boundary 0.0
29 fp_D O60716 818 EVRAAALVLQTIWG                HHHHHHHHHHHHHC c3-AT multi-selected 0.126 0.039 0.322 boundary 0.0
30 fp_D O60716 889 QMSNMGSNTKSLDN                CCCCCCCCCCCCCC c3-AT uniq 0.949 0.953 0.802 DISO 0.0
31 cand_D O60716 940 GQESLEEELDVLVLDD    ++++++++*+*++ CCCCHHHHCCCCCCCC c1a-4 uniq 0.956 0.791 0.756 DISO 0.0

*candidates: NES candidates and false positives annotated with "cand" and "fp", respectively;
                if the segment is located in the disordered or boundary region, flagged with "D"; if the segment is located in the ordered region, flagged with "O";
                if the segment's beta-strand content is over 0.5, flagged with "beta".
*sequence: Hydrophobic positions are colored in red. The positions with the experimental evidence is marked with '*' (mutation) and '+' (functional sequence in NESdb or sites in validNES).
                The positions with '.' are for the region annotated in the long (more than 25 residues) functional sequence or site.
*multi-pattern: the consensus pattern is unique or multiple within the region (if the start# difference is less than 5, the segments are considered to be the same region)
*diso: average DISOPRED3-predicted disorder propensity for the segment
*spotd: average SPOT-Disorder-predicted disorder propensity for the segment
*iup: average IUPRED2A-predicted disorder propensity for the segment
*loc_DISO: location of the segment with respect to the ordered/disordered regions
*loc_CDD: location of the segment with respect to the conserved region annotated in the Conserved Domain Database (CDD)
*beta: beta-strand content in the middle of the segment