List of terms from Generic GO subset, which this protein is a part of:

Table: Top 10 the most similar proteins, based on disordered regions enriched in particular amino acids. Cosine similarity calculation is described here. The whole list can be downloaded at the Download page
# UniProt Accession Gene Name Cosine Similarity Generic GO terms
1 O14829 PPEF1 0.88492 cellular protein modification process GO:0006464
nervous system process GO:0050877
signal transduction GO:0007165
2 P30411 BDKRB2 0.87416 cell death GO:0008219
cellular protein modification process GO:0006464
circulatory system process GO:0003013
3 P47211 GALR1 0.86193 biosynthetic process GO:0009058
cell-cell signaling GO:0007267
cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process GO:0034641
4 P17035 ZNF28 0.85138 biosynthetic process GO:0009058
cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process GO:0034641
5 O94941 UBOX5 0.82035 cellular protein modification process GO:0006464
6 Q9H3Z4 DNAJC5 0.81373 cell death GO:0008219
cell-cell signaling GO:0007267
immune system process GO:0002376
7 A9QM74 KPNA7 0.80218 anatomical structure development GO:0048856
biological process involved in symbiotic interaction GO:0044403
cellular protein modification process GO:0006464
8 A0A0U1RQI7 KLF18 0.79184 biosynthetic process GO:0009058
cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process GO:0034641
9 Q9H5Y7 SLITRK6 0.78347 anatomical structure development GO:0048856
cell differentiation GO:0030154
cell junction organization GO:0034330
10 P20138 CD33 0.77074 cell adhesion GO:0007155
cell population proliferation GO:0008283
cell-cell signaling GO:0007267

                                           20                  40                  60                  80                 100
DO_DISOPRED3:            DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD...............................................................................
DO_IUPRED2A:             DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.................................................DDDDDD............................
DO_SPOTD:                DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.............................................................................
CONSENSUS:               DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD...............................................................................
CONSENSUS_MOBI:          ....................................................................................................
RICH_[T]:                 TnTkdpkramesTlaT                                                                                   

DO_DISOPRED3:            .........................
DO_IUPRED2A:             .........................
DO_SPOTD:                .........................
CONSENSUS:               .........................
CONSENSUS_MOBI:          .........................