A). Mutation severity spectrum of various gene sets. PathVar and DisGeNET (general disease-associated genes), COSMIC (cancer-causing genes), Virus Interact (virus-interacting genes), Autism (autism-related genes), Development (developmental disorder-related genes). B). Mutation severity spectrum of various gene sets. Metabolic (metabolic enzymes), Mitochondrial (proteins targeted to mitochondria), Olfactory Receptors, Other GPCRs (non-olfactory GPCRs), and Protein Kinases. C). Mutation severity spectrum of cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins and mitochondrial ribosomal proteins. D). Structural examples of a cytoplasmic ribosomal protein (L23, left) and a mitochondrial ribosomal protein (mitoL14, right) with potential deleterious rare mutations mapped (red balls).