analogs: hybrid motifs

Analogy found through hybrid motifs. (a) The first domain in fosfomycin resistance protein A (FosA) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PDB code 1nki). The core region is colored from deep blue (N-terminus) to pale blue (C-terminus). The core βαβββ motif is framed in yellow. (b) The first domain in oligo-peptide binding protein (OPPA) from Salmonella typhimurium (PDB code 1b05). The core region is colored from deep green (N-terminus) to pale green (C-terminus), and the inserted β-hairpin is colored in red. The hybrid βαβββ motif is framed in yellow. (c) The first domain of lysine/arginine/ornithine-binding protein (LAO) from Salmonella typhimurium (PDB code 1lst). The core region is colored from deep green (N-terminus) to pale green (C-terminus). Discontinuous regions are represented by dotted curves. Diagrams are generated by MOLSCRIPT. (d) Structure-based sequence alignment of the three domains. The PDB code, chain identifier, and starting and ending residue numbers are given for each sequence. Number of omitted residues is indicated in brackets. Identical residue pairs are highlighted in red.