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* - Provisional representative

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Evolutionary classification of protein domain structures

alpha arraysalpha-helix arrays with mainly perpendicular helices

alpha bundlesalpha-helix bundles with mainly parallel helices

alpha superhelicesrepeating alpha-helix hairpins form a superhelix

alpha duplicates or obligate multimersalpha duplicates or monomers associate together to form a compact domain

alpha complex topologyalpha domain with complex and unique topology that cannot be described as array or bundle or superhelix

beta barrelssingle beta-sheet folded upon itself to form a barrel

beta meanderssingle beta-sheet with mainly meander topology

beta sandwichestwo beta-sheets stacked together to form a sandwich

beta duplicates or obligate multimersbeta duplicates or monomers associate together to form a compact domain

beta complex topologybeta domains with complex and unique topology that cannot be described as barrel or sandwich or meander

a+b two layersone alpha-helix layer and one beta-sheet layer

a+b three layersone mainly antiparallel beta-sheet layer sandwiched between two alpha-helix layers

a+b four layerstwo beta-sheet layers sandwiched between two alpha-helix layers

a+b complex topologyalpha and beta domain with complex and unique topology that cannot be described in layers

a+b duplicates or obligate multimersalpha and beta duplicates or monomers associated together to form a compact domain

a/b barrelsrepeating beta-alpha units form a barrel

a/b three-layered sandwichesrepeating beta-alpha units form a sandwich with a mainly parallel beta-sheet layer stacked between two alpha-helix layers

mixed a+b and a/balpha and beta domain consists of both a+b and a/b regions

few secondary structure elementsstabilized by cofactors or disulfides

extended segmentsextended, non-globular segments, frequently bind to other proteins to form complexes

X: F1F0 ATP synthase subunit C
H: F1F0 ATP synthase subunit C
T: F1F0 ATP synthase subunit C
F: ATP-synt_C



e1c99A1[A:1-79] nonrep Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI


e6te0V1[V:24-104] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6te0W1[W:24-104] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6te0X1[X:24-104] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6tqjA1[A:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit c, chloroplastic ; ligands: LFA ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.300Å

e6tqjB1[B:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit c, chloroplastic ; ligands: LFA ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.300Å

e6tqjC1[C:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit c, chloroplastic ; ligands: LFA ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.300Å

e6tqjD1[D:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit c, chloroplastic ; ligands: LFA ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.300Å

e6tqjE1[E:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit c, chloroplastic ; ligands: LFA ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.300Å

e6tqjF1[F:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit c, chloroplastic ; ligands: LFA ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.300Å

e6tqjG1[G:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit c, chloroplastic ; ligands: LFA ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.300Å

e6tqjH1[H:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit c, chloroplastic ; ligands: LFA,OLC ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.300Å

e6tqjI1[I:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit c, chloroplastic ; ligands: LFA ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.300Å

e6tqjJ1[J:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit c, chloroplastic ; ligands: LFA ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.300Å

e6tqjK1[K:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit c, chloroplastic ; ligands: LFA ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.300Å

e6tqjL1[L:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit c, chloroplastic ; ligands: LFA ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.300Å

e6tqjM1[M:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit c, chloroplastic ; ligands: LFA ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.300Å

e6tqjN1[N:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit c, chloroplastic ; ligands: LFA ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.300Å

e6vq6g1[g:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq6h2[h:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq6i1[i:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq6j1[j:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq6k1[k:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq6l1[l:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq6m1[m:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq6n1[n:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq6o1[o:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq7g2[g:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq7h2[h:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq7i1[i:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq7j2[j:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq7k1[k:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq7l1[l:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq7m1[m:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq7n2[n:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq7o1[o:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq8g1[g:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq8h2[h:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq8i2[i:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq8j2[j:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq8k2[k:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq8l2[l:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq8m1[m:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq8n2[n:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq8o2[o:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqcg2[g:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqch2[h:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqci1[i:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqcj2[j:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqck1[k:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqcl1[l:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqcm2[m:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqcn1[n:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqco2[o:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqgg2[g:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqgh1[h:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqgi1[i:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqgj1[j:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqgk2[k:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqgl1[l:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqgm1[m:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqgn1[n:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqgo1[o:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqhg1[g:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqhh2[h:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqhi2[i:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqhj1[j:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqhk2[k:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqhl2[l:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqhm2[m:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqhn1[n:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqho1[o:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq6g2[g:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq6h1[h:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq6i2[i:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq6j2[j:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq6k2[k:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq6l2[l:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq6m2[m:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq6n2[n:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq6o2[o:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq7g1[g:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq7h1[h:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq7i2[i:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq7j1[j:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq7k2[k:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq7l2[l:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq7m2[m:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq7n1[n:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq7o2[o:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq8g2[g:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq8h1[h:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq8i1[i:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq8j1[j:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq8k1[k:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq8l1[l:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq8m2[m:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq8n1[n:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vq8o1[o:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqcg1[g:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqch1[h:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqci2[i:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqcj1[j:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqck2[k:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqcl2[l:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqcm1[m:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqcn2[n:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqco1[o:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqgg1[g:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqgh2[h:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqgi2[i:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqgj2[j:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqgk1[k:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqgl2[l:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqgm2[m:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqgn2[n:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqgo2[o:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqhg2[g:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqhh1[h:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqhi1[i:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqhj2[j:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqhk1[k:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqhl1[l:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqhm1[m:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqhn2[n:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6vqho2[o:6-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe4H2[H:89-164] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c' ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe5H1[H:89-164] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c' ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe4H1[H:7-88] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c' ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe5H2[H:7-88] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c' ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe4I2[I:82-159] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe4J2[J:82-159] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe4K1[K:82-159] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe4L1[L:82-159] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe4M1[M:82-159] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe4N1[N:82-159] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe4O2[O:82-159] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe4P1[P:82-159] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe5I2[I:82-159] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe5J2[J:82-159] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe5K2[K:82-159] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe5L2[L:82-159] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe5M2[M:82-159] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe5N1[N:82-159] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe5O1[O:82-159] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe5P1[P:82-159] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe4I1[I:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe4J1[J:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe4K2[K:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe4L2[L:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe4M2[M:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe4N2[N:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe4O1[O:2-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe4P2[P:2-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe5I1[I:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe5J1[J:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe5K1[K:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe5L1[L:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe5M1[M:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe5N2[N:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe5O2[O:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6pe5P2[P:1-81] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase subunit c ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6xbwo1[o:84-155] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ligands: OLA ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6xbwo2[o:5-83] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

V-type proton ATPase 16 kDa proteolipid subunit ; ligands: POV ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6wtdK1[K:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit 9, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6wtdL1[L:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit 9, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6wtdM1[M:1-75] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit 9, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6wtdN1[N:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit 9, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6wtdO1[O:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit 9, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6wtdP1[P:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit 9, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6wtdQ1[Q:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit 9, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6wtdR1[R:1-75] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit 9, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6wtdS1[S:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit 9, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6wtdT1[T:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase subunit 9, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6z1rK1[K:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6z1rL1[L:1-75] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6z1rM1[M:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6z1rN1[N:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6z1rO1[O:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6z1rP1[P:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6z1rQ1[Q:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6z1rR1[R:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6z1uK1[K:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6z1uL1[L:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6z1uM1[M:1-75] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6z1uN1[N:1-75] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6z1uP1[P:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6z1uQ1[Q:1-75] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6z1uR1[R:1-75] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6z1uO1[O:1-75] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6zbbK1[K:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C1, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6zbbL1[L:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C1, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6zbbM1[M:1-75] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C1, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6zbbN1[N:1-75] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C1, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6zbbO1[O:1-75] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C1, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6zbbP1[P:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C1, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6zbbQ1[Q:1-75] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C1, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6zbbR1[R:1-75] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C1, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6zg7R1[R:1-75] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6zg7K1[K:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

e6zg7L1[L:1-74] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI

ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C2, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY

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F: Unmapped domains

Pseudo group of domains that do not map to PFam family profiles. Domains inside should not be considered as in one family.