Evolutionary classification of protein domain structures
alpha arraysalpha-helix arrays with mainly perpendicular helices

Jmol Links:
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50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
Jmol Links:
CATH, PubMed,
e6xijz1[z:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6yssQ1[Q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6ystQ1[Q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6ysuQ1[Q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7jql1U1[1U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.000Å
e7jql2U1[2U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.000Å
e7jqm1U1[1U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.050Å
e7jqm2U1[2U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.050Å
e6xqd2U1[2U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.800Å
e6xqe1U1[1U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.000Å
e6xqe2U1[2U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.000Å
e7k00p1[p:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6xzaQ21[Q2:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6xzbQ21[Q2:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6yhsM1[M:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6ys3q1[q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6ysiM1[M:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6ztjBR1[BR:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6ztlBR1[BR:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG,PHE ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6ztmBR1[BR:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG,PHE ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6ztnBR1[BR:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG,PHE ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6ztoBR1[BR:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG,PHE ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6ztpBR1[BR:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG,PHE ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6zu1BR1[BR:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG,PHE ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6nshRU1[RU:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.3970Å
e6nshYU1[YU:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.3970Å
e6ntaRU1[RU:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.220Å
e6ntaYU1[YU:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.220Å
e6nuoRU1[RU:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.200Å
e6nuoYU1[YU:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.200Å
e6nwyRU1[RU:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.200Å
e6nwyYU1[YU:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.200Å
e6o3mRU1[RU:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.970Å
e6o3mYU1[YU:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.970Å
e6osiRU1[RU:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 4.140Å
e6osiYU1[YU:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 4.140Å
e6o8wR1[R:2-119] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6o8xR1[R:2-119] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6o8yR1[R:2-119] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6o8zR1[R:2-119] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6o90R1[R:3-119] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6tnnj1[j:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6tpqj1[j:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6w6pR1[R:2-119] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6wu9R1[R:2-119] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7jilQ1[Q:2-114] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6xhv1U1[1U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.400Å
e6xhv2U1[2U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.400Å
e6xhw1U1[1U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.500Å
e6xhw2U1[2U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.500Å
e6xhx1U1[1U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: ARG,MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.550Å
e6xhx2U1[2U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: ARG,MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.550Å
e6xhy1U1[1U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.600Å
e6xhy2U1[2U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.600Å
e7aqcQ1[Q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7aqdQ1[Q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7as8U1[U:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7as9U1[U:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7jssq1[q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7jswq1[q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7jszq1[q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7jt1q1[q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7jt2q1[q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7jt3q1[q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6om6Q1[Q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6yefT1[T:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7md71U1[1U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: ARG,MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.800Å
e7d6zQ1[Q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7md72U1[2U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: ARG,MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.800Å
e7d80p1[p:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7nhkT1[T:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7nhnT1[T:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7nhlT1[T:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7nhmT1[T:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7nqhBU1[BU:10-149] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7nqlBU1[BU:10-149] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7nshBU1[BU:10-149] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6i9rR1[R:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ligands: G,MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6vlzR1[R:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6vmiR1[R:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6zs9XR1[XR:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6zsaXR1[XR:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6zsbXR1[XR:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6zscXR1[XR:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6zsdXR1[XR:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6zseXR1[XR:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6zsgXR1[XR:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7a5fR31[R3:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7a5gR31[R3:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7a5hR1[R:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7a5iR31[R3:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7a5jR1[R:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7a5kR31[R3:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6zm5R1[R:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6zm6R1[R:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e6zsfXR1[XR:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH
e7lh5BU1[BU:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.268Å
e7bl2Q1[Q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7m4vP1[P:1-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7b5kQ1[Q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7nsiBU1[BU:10-149] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial isoform 1 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7lh5DU1[DU:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.268Å
e7of0R1[R:10-125] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7of7R1[R:10-125] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7bl3Q1[Q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7bl4Q1[Q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7bl5Q1[Q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7bl6Q1[Q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7m4wP1[P:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7m4xP1[P:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7m4yP1[P:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7m4zP1[P:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7nsjBU1[BU:10-149] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7rqa1U1[1U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: ARG,MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.400Å
e7nwwP1[P:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7ryfP1[P:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7kgbQ1[Q:2-123] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7mscQ1[Q:2-125] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7o5bn1[n:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7p48O1[O:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7rqa2U1[2U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: ARG,MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.400Å
e7rqb1U1[1U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: ARG,MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.450Å
e7rqb2U1[2U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: ARG,MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.450Å
e7rqc1U1[1U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: ARG,MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.500Å
e7rqc2U1[2U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: ARG,MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.500Å
e7rqd1U1[1U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: ARG,MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.500Å
e7rqd2U1[2U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: ARG,MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.500Å
e7rqe1U1[1U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: ARG,MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.400Å
e7rqe2U1[2U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: ARG,MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.400Å
e7oifP1[P:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7oigP1[P:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7oiiP1[P:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7ot5P1[P:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7rygP1[P:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7ryhP1[P:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7s1kY1[Y:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7mshQ1[Q:2-125] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7msmQ1[Q:2-125] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7mszQ1[Q:2-125] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7mt2Q1[Q:2-125] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7mt3Q1[Q:2-125] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7mt7Q1[Q:2-125] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7p7qT1[T:2-119] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7s9uQ1[Q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7qv1Q1[Q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7qguQ1[Q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7p7rT1[T:2-119] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7ss9q1[q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7nbup1[p:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7qg8d1[d:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7s0sS1[S:2-125] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7qh7R1[R:10-124] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
39S ribosomal protein L20, mitochondrial ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7azoL20A1[L20A:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: K,MG,OHX ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.3Å
e7azoL20B1[L20B:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: K,OHX ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.3Å
e7azsL20A1[L20A:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: K,MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.1Å
e7azsL20B1[L20B:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: K,OHX ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 3.1Å
e7odeY1[Y:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7otcQ1[Q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7qghd1[d:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7qgnd1[d:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7s1iY1[Y:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7s1jY1[Y:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7ssdq1[q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7sslq1[q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7ssnq1[q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7ssoq1[q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7sswq1[q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7st2q1[q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7st6q1[q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7st7q1[q:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7tosL201[L20:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7ug7LT1[LT:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG,PHE ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7qgrd1[d:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7sa4Q1[Q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7unrS1[S:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATHDOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7unuS1[S:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATHDOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7unvS1[S:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATHDOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7unwS1[S:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATHDOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7uphp1[p:1-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7z20q1[q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7zodq1[q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7zp8q1[q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7zq5q1[q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7zq6q1[q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7p7sT1[T:2-119] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7p7tT1[T:2-119] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7p7uT1[T:2-119] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7qh4Q1[Q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7qv2Q1[Q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7qv3Q1[Q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7saeQ1[Q:2-118] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7f0dQ1[Q:2-123] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7u2h1U1[1U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.550Å
e7u2h2U1[2U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.550Å
e7u2i1U1[1U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.550Å
e7u2i2U1[2U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.550Å
e7u2j1U1[1U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.550Å
e7u2j2U1[2U:2-117] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ligands: MG ; X-RAY DIFFRACTION 2.550Å
e7oodp1[p:1-114] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
e7p6zp1[p:1-114] Image Pymol Jmol Links: PDB, SCOP, CATH, PubMed, DOI
50S ribosomal protein L20 ; ELECTRON MICROSCOPY
Previous Nextalpha bundlesalpha-helix bundles with mainly parallel helices
alpha superhelicesrepeating alpha-helix hairpins form a superhelix
alpha duplicates or obligate multimersalpha duplicates or monomers associate together to form a compact domain
alpha complex topologyalpha domain with complex and unique topology that cannot be described as array or bundle or superhelix
beta barrelssingle beta-sheet folded upon itself to form a barrel
beta meanderssingle beta-sheet with mainly meander topology
beta sandwichestwo beta-sheets stacked together to form a sandwich
beta duplicates or obligate multimersbeta duplicates or monomers associate together to form a compact domain
beta complex topologybeta domains with complex and unique topology that cannot be described as barrel or sandwich or meander
a+b two layersone alpha-helix layer and one beta-sheet layer
a+b three layersone mainly antiparallel beta-sheet layer sandwiched between two alpha-helix layers
a+b four layerstwo beta-sheet layers sandwiched between two alpha-helix layers
a+b complex topologyalpha and beta domain with complex and unique topology that cannot be described in layers
a+b duplicates or obligate multimersalpha and beta duplicates or monomers associated together to form a compact domain
a/b barrelsrepeating beta-alpha units form a barrel
a/b three-layered sandwichesrepeating beta-alpha units form a sandwich with a mainly parallel beta-sheet layer stacked between two alpha-helix layers
mixed a+b and a/balpha and beta domain consists of both a+b and a/b regions
few secondary structure elementsstabilized by cofactors or disulfides
extended segmentsextended, non-globular segments, frequently bind to other proteins to form complexes