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O14686_KMT2D | Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 2DProteinAtlasCosmicProvizSwissmodel
  • Cosmic Cancer Gene Census (CGC)

# candidates uniprotID start# sequence secondary class loc_DISO loc_CDD beta Ebind Score(NES) Cosmic Score(Cosmic) TOTALscore(Ebind|Stars)
1 nes_diso O14686 201 SGSFLSMKTLQLLC CCEEEECCCCEEEC c2-4 boundary boundary|ePHD1_KMT2D; 0.43 NA cosmic_phi_to_LIVMF
2 nes_diso O14686 1051 VPSPLSPIGKVVGVSD CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC c1d-4 DISO 0.0 Weak: -32.359 cosmic_phi Weak|
3 nes_diso O14686 1236 GSLSMELGVSTDVSPAR CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC c1cR-4 DISO 0.0 Bad: -24.982 cosmic_phi
4 nes_diso O14686 1328 RLKSTASSIETLVVAD CCCCCCCCHHHEEECC c1a-AT-5 DISO 0.0 NA cosmic_spacer
5 nes_diso O14686 1362 NTVVLFSNTDKFVLMQD CEEEEEECCCCCCCCCE c1c-AT-4 DISO boundary|PHD3_KMT2D; 0.38 NA cosmic_spacer
6 nes_diso O14686 1362 NTVVLFSNTDKFVLMQ CEEEEEECCCCCCCCC c1a-AT-4 DISO boundary|PHD3_KMT2D; 0.43 NA cosmic_spacer
7 nes_diso O14686 1370 TDKFVLMQDMCVVC CCCCCCCCEEECCC c2-4 boundary boundary|PHD3_KMT2D; 0.29 Medium: -35.95 cosmic_phi Medium|
8 nes_diso O14686 1405 HPYCVNSKITKVMLLKG CHHHHCCCCCCCCCCCC c1c-4 boundary boundary|PHD3_KMT2D; small|PHD; 0.0 Bad: -26.031 cosmic_spacer
9 nes_diso O14686 1405 HPYCVNSKITKVMLLK CHHHHCCCCCCCCCCC c1a-4 boundary boundary|PHD3_KMT2D; small|PHD; 0.0 Bad: -26.665 cosmic_phi_to_LIVMF
10 nes_diso O14686 1591 WLTETGMALLRNLTMSP EEEHHHHHHHHHHCCCC c1c-AT-5 DISO boundary|PHD; boundary|PHD5_KMT2D; 0.0 NA cosmic_spacer
11 nes_diso O14686 1593 TETGMALLRNLTMSP EHHHHHHHHHHCCCC c1b-4 DISO 0.0 NA cosmic_spacer
12 nes_diso O14686 1653 GEGGVEHMECEIKLEG CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC c1d-4 DISO 0.0 Weak: -32.668 cosmic_phi_to_LIVMF Weak|
13 nes_diso O14686 1780 ELLDLSRKALFAVGVGR HHHHHHHHHHHCCCCCC c1c-AT-5 DISO 0.0 NA cosmic_spacer
14 nes_diso O14686 2014 QLSTISPVLYANINFPN CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC c1c-5 DISO boundary|HMG; boundary|HMG-box superfamily; 0.0 Bad: -21.606 cosmic_phi_to_LIVMF
15 nes_diso O14686 2310 PSSGTHLGGLELKT CCCCCCCCCCCCCC c2-AT-4 DISO 0.0 NA cosmic_spacer
16 nes_diso O14686 2913 PHRLAPEGLRGLAVSG CCCCCCCHHCCCCCCC c1a-AT-4 DISO 0.0 NA cosmic_spacer
17 nes_diso O14686 3005 DDEELAHLGLGVDVAK CHHHHHHHCCCCCCCC c1d-4 DISO 0.0 Weak: -30.81 cosmic_phi_to_LIVMF Weak|
18 nes_diso O14686 3236 MESSLVASELPLLI HHHHCCCCCCHHHH c2-AT-4 DISO 0.0 NA cosmic_spacer
19 nes_diso O14686 3394 QQLAMQQQLANSFFPDT HHHHHHHHCCCCCCCCC c1cR-4 DISO 0.0 Medium: -38.114 cosmic_spacer_Pro Medium|
20 nes_diso O14686 3428 KMVALKGIKKVMAQGS CCCCCCCCCCHHCCCC c1aR-4 DISO 0.0 Weak: -31.543 cosmic_phi_to_LIVMF Weak|
21 nes_diso O14686 3513 WLFHTQQLLQMQLKVLE HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH c1c-AT-5 DISO 0.0 NA cosmic_spacer
22 nes_diso O14686 3521 LQMQLKVLEEQIGVHR HHHHHHHHHHHHCCCC c1aR-4 DISO 0.0 Bad: -26.762 cosmic_phi
23 nes_diso O14686 4193 TVGQLRAQLQGVLA CHHHCCCCCCCHHC c3-4 DISO 0.0 Medium: -33.761 cosmic_spacer_Pro Medium|
24 nes_diso O14686 4402 VNGQVVPEASQLSIKQ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC c1a-AT-4 DISO boundary|PHA01929 superfamily; 0.0 NA cosmic_spacer
25 nes_diso O14686 4463 LQKLLRAKNVQLST HHHHHHCCCCCCCC c2-AT-4 DISO 0.0 NA cosmic_spacer_Pro
26 nes_diso O14686 4547 ASEALLKQLKQELSLLP HHHHHHHHHHHHHCCCC c1c-4 DISO 0.0 Medium: -33.796 cosmic_phi Medium|
27 nes_diso O14686 4561 LLPLTEPAITANFSLFA CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC c1c-AT-5 DISO 0.0 NA cosmic_spacer
28 nes_diso O14686 4788 VSAAAAKNLNGVMVAV CCHHHHHCCCHHHHHH c1a-AT-4 DISO 0.0 NA cosmic_spacer
29 nes_diso O14686 4795 NLNGVMVAVAELLSMKI CCCHHHHHHHHHCCCCC c1c-5 DISO 0.0 Medium: -33.195 cosmic_spacer_Pro Medium|
30 nes_diso O14686 4795 NLNGVMVAVAELLS CCCHHHHHHHHHCC c3-4 DISO 0.0 Weak: -31.649 cosmic_spacer_Pro Weak|
31 nes_diso O14686 4865 PGYTLKSQLDILSLLK CCCCCCCCHHHHHHCC c1a-4 DISO 0.0 Medium: -33.379 cosmic_phi Medium|
32 nes_diso O14686 5043 TDGPARLLNLDLDL CCCCCCCCCCCCCE c2-AT-4 boundary boundary|ePHD2_KMT2D; 0.0 NA cosmic_spacer
33 nes_diso O14686 5076 ALMNVEVALHRGLLTKC CHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHC c1cR-4 __ middle|ePHD2_KMT2D; 0.0 Weak: -30.083 cosmic_phi_to_LIVMF Weak|
34 nes_diso O14686 5115 FACAIRAKCMFFKD HHHHHHCCCEEEEC c2-AT-4 boundary boundary|ePHD2_KMT2D; small|PHD; 0.14 NA cosmic_spacer
35 nes_beta_diso O14686 5145 ELSSFAVFRRVYIER HCCCEEEEEEEEECH c1b-5 boundary boundary|ePHD2_KMT2D; 1.0 NA cosmic_phi
36 nes_diso O14686 5173 ERLHMFRVGGLVFHAI CCCCEEECCHHHHHHH c1aR-4 boundary boundary|ePHD2_KMT2D; boundary|FYRN; 0.43 NA cosmic_phi
37 nes_diso O14686 5174 RLHMFRVGGLVFHA CCCEEECCHHHHHH c2-5 boundary boundary|FYRN; 0.43 NA cosmic_phi
38 nes_diso O14686 5181 GGLVFHAIGQLLPHQM CHHHHHHHCCCCHHHH c1aR-4 boundary boundary|FYRN; 0.0 Bad: -29.48 cosmic_phi
39 nes_diso O14686 5242 VIKVIEQGLEDLVFTD EEEEEECCCCCEEEEC c1a-5 boundary boundary|FYRN; boundary|FYRC; 0.29 Weak: -30.995 cosmic_spacer Weak|
40 nes_diso O14686 5270 PVAAMRKEADMLRLFP HHHHHHHHCCCHHCCH c1a-AT-5 boundary middle|FYRC; 0.0 NA cosmic_spacer
41 nes_diso O14686 5290 GEELFGLTVHAVLRIAE HHHHHCCCHHHHHHHHH c1c-4 boundary boundary|FYRC; 0.0 Weak: -32.038 cosmic_phi Weak|
42 nes_diso O14686 5398 NVYLARSRIQGLGLYA CEEEECCCCCCHHHHH c1a-AT-5 boundary boundary|SET; 0.14 NA cosmic_spacer
43 nes_beta_diso O14686 5420 HTMVIEYIGTIIRNEV CCEEEEECCEEHHHHH c1aR-4 boundary middle|SET; 0.71 NA cosmic_phi_to_LIVMF
44 nes_diso O14686 5474 NHSCAPNCVAEVVTFDK EECCCCCEEEEEEECCC c1c-AT-4 boundary middle|SET; 0.62 NA cosmic_spacer
  • candidates: if the segment is located in the disordered or boundary region, flagged with "_diso"; if the segment is located in the ordered region, flagged with "_ord"; if the segment's beta-strand content is over 0.5, flagged with "_beta"; if the segment is annotated as NES in the NESdb or validNES, flagged with "ExpNES_" instead of "nes_".
  • sequence: Hydrophobic positions are colored in red.
  • class: NES classes 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1aR (reverse class of 1a), 1cR, 2, 2-rev (Rev type class 2), 3, and 4. The first letter "c" is for "class", and the number after hyphen ("-") is for the number of key hydrophobic positions. For example, c1a-4 means class 1a with the non-hydrophobic phi0 position. c1a-5 is for class 1a which have all hydrophobic residues in their phi0-4 positions.
  • loc_DISO: location of the segment with respect to the ordered/disordered regions
  • loc_CDD: location of the segment with respect to the conserved region annotated in the Conserved Domain Database (CDD)
  • beta: beta-strand content in the middle of the segment
  • Ebind: binding energy; Strong (less than -40.0), Medium (-40.0~-33.0), Weak (-33.0~-30.0), or Bad (higher than -30.0); Generated models can be downloaded via icon.
  • Score(NES): how many passes for the criteria: i) not located in the ordered region, ii) do not have beta strand in the middle, and iii) Strong, Medium, or Weak Ebind scores
  • Cosmic: if the key hydrophobic residues are mapped to the COSMIC mutation position, flagged with "cosmic_phi"; when the changed amino acid of the mutation position is L, I, V, M, or F, flagged with "cosmic_phi_to_LIVMF"; if the spacer residues are mapped to the mutation position, flagged with "cosmic_spacer"
  • Score(Cosmic): 2 stars with "cosmic_phi" and the changed amino acid is not L, I, V, M, or F; 1 star for "cosmic_phi_to_LIVMF" or "cosmic_spacer" (Score(Cosmic) is present for only segments with the 3 stars of Score(NES))
  • TOTALscore: Score(NES)+Score(Cosmic); The Ebind category (Strong, Medium, or Weak) is annotated together.