Protein name: Putative uncharacterized protein FLJ34945

List of terms from Generic GO subset, which this protein is a part of:

Table: Top 10 the most similar proteins, based on disordered regions enriched in particular amino acids. Cosine similarity calculation is described here. The whole list can be downloaded at the Download page
# UniProt Accession Gene Name Cosine Similarity Generic GO terms
1 B1APH4 ZNF487 0.93702
2 Q9NRG7 SDR39U1 0.90483
3 O75078 ADAM11 0.87338 signal transduction GO:0007165
4 K9M1U5 IFNL4 0.86796 cellular protein modification process GO:0006464
immune system process GO:0002376
response to stress GO:0006950
5 Q9BTK2 n/a 0.8548
6 P59051 BRWD1-AS2 0.84706
7 Q8WTV1 THAP3 0.83696
8 Q86VU5 COMTD1 0.83669
9 Q86V25 VASH2 0.81927 anatomical structure development GO:0048856
anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis GO:0048646
cell differentiation GO:0030154
10 P34820 BMP8B 0.8173 anatomical structure development GO:0048856
cell differentiation GO:0030154
cellular protein modification process GO:0006464

                                           20                  40                  60                  80                 100
DO_DISOPRED3:            D...................................................................................................
DO_IUPRED2A:             .........................................DDDDDDDDDD..DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.....D....................
CONSENSUS:               D........................................DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.....D....................
RICH_[PR]:                                                                 PPPRqlvekRRvsPPRR                                 
RICH_[R]:                                                                     RqlvekRRvsppRRldqsgR                           
RICH_fLPS_[R]:                                                                RqlvekRRvsppRRldqsgR                           
RICH_MOBI_[R]:                                                                RqlvekRRvsppRRldqsgR                           

DO_DISOPRED3:            ........................DDDDDDDD
DO_IUPRED2A:             .........................DDDDDDD
DO_SPOTD:                ....................DDDDDDDDDDDD
CONSENSUS:               ........................DDDDDDDD
CONSENSUS_MOBI:          ................................