Domain ID P11166_nD1

  • A: alpha complex topology
  • X: Major facilitator superfamily (MFS) general substrate transporter
  • H: Major facilitator superfamily (MFS) general substrate transporter
  • T: Major facilitator superfamily (MFS) general substrate transporter
UID: 004549211
Parent: NA
Range: 1-260
Protein name: Solute carrier family 2, facilitated glucose transporter member 1
Gene name: SLC2A1

Domain type: good_domain

AFDB: P11166

Structure of domain P11166_nD1

Domains in the same protein:

P11166_nD1 good_domain 1-260 Major facilitator superfamily (MFS) general substrate transporter Major facilitator superfamily (MFS) general substrate transporter Major facilitator superfamily (MFS) general substrate transporter
P11166_nD2 good_domain 261-480 Major facilitator superfamily (MFS) general substrate transporter Major facilitator superfamily (MFS) general substrate transporter Major facilitator superfamily (MFS) general substrate transporter