Domain ID P30049_nD1

  • A: beta sandwiches
  • X: Epsilon subunit of F1F0-ATP synthase-N
  • H: Epsilon subunit of F1F0-ATP synthase-N
  • T: Epsilon subunit of F1F0-ATP synthase-N
UID: 004566117
Parent: NA
Range: 36-120
Protein name: ATP synthase subunit delta, mitochondrial
Gene name: ATP5F1D

Domain type: good_domain

AFDB: P30049

Structure of domain P30049_nD1

Domains in the same protein:

P30049_nD1 good_domain 36-120 Epsilon subunit of F1F0-ATP synthase-N Epsilon subunit of F1F0-ATP synthase-N Epsilon subunit of F1F0-ATP synthase-N
P30049_nD2 good_domain 126-168 Long alpha-hairpin Epsilon subunit of F1F0-ATP synthase C-terminal domain Epsilon subunit of F1F0-ATP synthase C-terminal domain