Domain ID P50281_nD1

  • A: alpha arrays
  • X: PGBD-like
  • H: PGBD-like
  • T: PGBD-like
UID: 004575745
Parent: NA
Range: 31-100
UniProt: MMP14_HUMAN
Protein name: Matrix metalloproteinase-14
Gene name: MMP14

Domain type: good_domain

AFDB: P50281

Structure of domain P50281_nD1

Domains in the same protein:

P50281_nD1 good_domain 31-100 PGBD-like PGBD-like PGBD-like
P50281_nD2 good_domain 116-285 Zincin-like Metalloproteases ("zincins") catalytic domain Metalloproteases ("zincins") catalytic domain
P50281_nD3 good_domain 316-510 beta-propeller-like beta-propeller 4-bladed
P50281_nD4 simple_topology 541-565 Epidermal growth factor receptor transmembrane-juxtamembrane segment-like Insulin receptor transmembrane segment Insulin receptor transmembrane segment