Domain ID P54750_nD2

  • A: alpha complex topology
  • X: PDEase-like
  • H: HD-domain/PDEase-like
  • T: HD-domain/PDEase-like
UID: 004579764
Parent: NA
Range: 81-100,146-450,496-535
Protein name: Dual specificity calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 1A
Gene name: PDE1A

Domain type: good_domain

AFDB: P54750

Structure of domain P54750_nD2

Domains in the same protein:

P54750_nD1 simple_topology 21-75 Copper-sensitive operon repressor (CsoR) Copper-sensitive operon repressor (CsoR) Copper-sensitive operon repressor (CsoR)
P54750_nD2 good_domain 81-100,146-450,496-535 PDEase-like HD-domain/PDEase-like HD-domain/PDEase-like