Domain ID P80192_nD3

  • A: alpha bundles
  • X: YscO-like
  • H: Flagellar FliJ protein
  • T: Flagellar FliJ protein
UID: 004591351
Parent: NA
Range: 446-475
UniProt: M3K9_HUMAN
Protein name: Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 9
Gene name: MAP3K9

Domain type: simple_topology

AFDB: P80192

Structure of domain P80192_nD3

Domains in the same protein:

P80192_nD1 good_domain 51-120 SH3 SH3 SH3
P80192_nD2 good_domain 136-445 Protein kinase/SAICAR synthase/ATP-grasp Protein kinase/SAICAR synthase/ATP-grasp Protein kinase
P80192_nD3 simple_topology 446-475 YscO-like Flagellar FliJ protein Flagellar FliJ protein