Domain ID Q07075_nD5

  • A: alpha superhelices
  • X: Repetitive alpha hairpins
  • H: ARM repeat
  • T: ARM repeat
UID: 004590185
Parent: NA
Range: 636-950
Protein name: Glutamyl aminopeptidase
Gene name: ENPEP

Domain type: good_domain

AFDB: Q07075

Structure of domain Q07075_nD5

Domains in the same protein:

Q07075_nD1 simple_topology 16-40 Zincin-like Metalloproteases ("zincins") catalytic domain Metalloproteases ("zincins") catalytic domain
Q07075_nD2 good_domain 76-295 Baculovirus p35 protein-related Baculovirus p35 protein-related Baculovirus p35 protein-related
Q07075_nD3 good_domain 296-545 Zincin-like Metalloproteases ("zincins") catalytic domain Metalloproteases ("zincins") catalytic domain
Q07075_nD4 good_domain 546-635 Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich Immunoglobulin-related Immunoglobulin/Fibronectin type III/E set domains/PapD-like
Q07075_nD5 good_domain 636-950 Repetitive alpha hairpins ARM repeat ARM repeat