Domain ID Q13698_nD1

  • A: alpha complex topology
  • X: Voltage-gated ion channels
  • H: Voltage-gated ion channels
  • T: Voltage-gated ion channels
UID: 004546225
Parent: NA
Range: 26-325,351-715,736-1080,1101-1390
Protein name: Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1S
Gene name: CACNA1S

Domain type: good_domain

AFDB: Q13698

Structure of domain Q13698_nD1

Domains in the same protein:

Q13698_nD1 good_domain 26-325,351-715,736-1080,1101-1390 Voltage-gated ion channels Voltage-gated ion channels Voltage-gated ion channels
Q13698_nD2 good_domain 1391-1525 EF-hand EF-hand-related EF-hand
Q13698_nD3 low_confidence 1781-1835 HTH HTH Ribbon-helix-helix