Domain ID Q8TBX8_nD1

  • A: a+b complex topology
  • X: Protein kinase/SAICAR synthase/ATP-grasp
  • H: Protein kinase/SAICAR synthase/ATP-grasp
  • T: SAICAR synthase
UID: 004572814
Parent: NA
Range: 41-298,346-420
UniProt: PI42C_HUMAN
Protein name: Phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase type-2 gamma
Gene name: PIP4K2C

Domain type: good_domain


Structure of domain Q8TBX8_nD1

Domains in the same protein:

Q8TBX8_nD1 good_domain 41-298,346-420 Protein kinase/SAICAR synthase/ATP-grasp Protein kinase/SAICAR synthase/ATP-grasp SAICAR synthase