Domain ID Q99707_nD4

  • A: a/b three-layered sandwiches
  • X: Flavodoxin-like
  • H: Class I glutamine amidotransferase-like
  • T: CheY-like
UID: 004563135
Parent: NA
Range: 771-920
Protein name: Methionine synthase
Gene name: MTR

Domain type: good_domain

AFDB: Q99707

Structure of domain Q99707_nD4

Domains in the same protein:

Q99707_nD1 good_domain 16-345 TIM beta/alpha-barrel TIM barrels TIM barrels
Q99707_nD2 good_domain 351-650 TIM beta/alpha-barrel TIM barrels TIM barrels
Q99707_nD3 good_domain 666-755 Methionine synthase domain-like Methionine synthase domain-like Methionine synthase domain-like
Q99707_nD4 good_domain 771-920 Flavodoxin-like Class I glutamine amidotransferase-like CheY-like
Q99707_nD5 good_domain 926-1265 Methionine synthase activation domain-like Methionine synthase activation domain-like Methionine synthase activation domain-like