Domain ID Q9UQD0_nD2

  • A: alpha complex topology
  • X: Voltage-gated ion channels
  • H: Voltage-gated ion channels
  • T: Voltage-gated ion channels
UID: 004564415
Parent: NA
Range: 36-65,86-450,721-1050,1086-1115,1146-1775
Protein name: Sodium channel protein type 8 subunit alpha
Gene name: SCN8A

Domain type: good_domain


Structure of domain Q9UQD0_nD2

Domains in the same protein:

Q9UQD0_nD2 good_domain 36-65,86-450,721-1050,1086-1115,1146-1775 Voltage-gated ion channels Voltage-gated ion channels Voltage-gated ion channels
Q9UQD0_nD1 simple_topology 486-510 Repetitive alpha hairpins ARM repeat ARM repeat
Q9UQD0_nD3 good_domain 1776-1890 EF-hand EF-hand-related EF-hand
Q9UQD0_nD4 simple_topology 1891-1915 Voltage gated calcium channel IQ domain Voltage gated calcium channel IQ domain Voltage gated calcium channel IQ domain