Domain ID e3hrzD4

Download files:
  • A: beta barrels
  • X: cradle loop barrel
  • H: RIFT-related
  • T: FMN-binding split barrel 2
  • F: Trypsin
UID: 001386688
Type: Automatic domain
Parent: e2hlcA1
Range: D:434-740
Ligands: PO4
PDB: 3hrz
PDB Description: Complement factor B
UniProt: P00751
Hsap BLAST neighbor: P00751
Species: Homo sapiens

Structure of domain e3hrzD4

Domains in the same chain:

e3hrzD3 D:11-76 EGF-like EGF-related Complement control module/SCR domain
e3hrzD6 D:77-137 EGF-like EGF-related Complement control module/SCR domain
e3hrzD7 D:138-199 EGF-like EGF-related Complement control module/SCR domain
e3hrzD5 D:200-433 HAD domain-like HAD domain-related vWA-like
e3hrzD4 D:434-740 cradle loop barrel RIFT-related FMN-binding split barrel 2

Domains in the same PDB:

e3hrzA7 A:1-103 Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich Immunoglobulin-related Immunoglobulin/Fibronectin type III/E set domains/PapD-like
e3hrzA5 A:102-197 Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich Immunoglobulin-related Immunoglobulin/Fibronectin type III/E set domains/PapD-like
e3hrzA3 A:198-318 Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich Immunoglobulin-related Immunoglobulin/Fibronectin type III/E set domains/PapD-like
e3hrzA4 A:320-414 Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich Immunoglobulin-related Immunoglobulin/Fibronectin type III/E set domains/PapD-like
e3hrzA1 A:414-522 Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich Immunoglobulin-related Immunoglobulin/Fibronectin type III/E set domains/PapD-like
e3hrzA6 A:522-624 Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich Immunoglobulin-related Immunoglobulin/Fibronectin type III/E set domains/PapD-like
e3hrzB2 B:715-789 Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich Immunoglobulin-related Immunoglobulin/Fibronectin type III/E set domains/PapD-like
e3hrzB1 B:790-897 Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich Immunoglobulin-related Immunoglobulin/Fibronectin type III/E set domains/PapD-like
e3hrzB3 B:898-947 jelly-roll Spermadhesin, CUB domain Spermadhesin, CUB domain
e3hrzC3 C:1250-1311 jelly-roll Spermadhesin, CUB domain Spermadhesin, CUB domain
e3hrzC1 C:1304-1442 Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich Immunoglobulin-related Common fold of diphtheria toxin/transcription factors/cytochrome f
e3hrzC4 C:1460-1620 OB-fold TIMP-like TIMP-like
e3hrzD3 D:11-76 EGF-like EGF-related Complement control module/SCR domain
e3hrzD6 D:77-137 EGF-like EGF-related Complement control module/SCR domain
e3hrzD7 D:138-199 EGF-like EGF-related Complement control module/SCR domain
e3hrzD5 D:200-433 HAD domain-like HAD domain-related vWA-like
e3hrzD4 D:434-740 cradle loop barrel RIFT-related FMN-binding split barrel 2

Structural contacts of domain e3hrzD4 of H-group "RIFT-related":

The domain and its neighboring domains (both within the asymmetric unit and to crystallographic symmetry mates) are represented by spheres and linked by lines. Distances between the center of the domain and interfaces are shown for each contact.

Domain IDSymmetry operatorH-groupVisualization
e3hrzC1 D:x,y,z->C:-X-1,Y,-Z+1/2 Immunoglobulin-related Interaction Interface Pymol
e3hrzD4 D:x,y,z->D:-X-1,Y,-Z-1/2 RIFT-related Interaction Interface Pymol
e3hrzD4 D:-X-1,Y,-Z-1/2->D:x,y,z RIFT-related Interaction Interface Pymol
e3hrzA4 D:x,y,z->A:-X-1,-Y,Z-1/2 Immunoglobulin-related Interaction Interface Pymol
e3hrzA3 D:x,y,z->A:-X-1,Y,-Z+1/2 Immunoglobulin-related Interaction Interface Pymol
e3hrzB1 D:x,y,z->B:-X-1,Y,-Z+1/2 Immunoglobulin-related Interaction Interface Pymol